Microsoft exhibit


Address: Auckland, Sydney (refer below)
Telephone(s): NZ: 0800 800 004 or 0800 864 384

Microsoft Dynamics

Imagine a suite of easy-to-learn and easy-to-use business solutions tailored to your market, designed for your business size, and dedicated to growing your business through happy customers. Microsoft Dynamics offers a full range of software focused on delivering business insights that matter to both you and your customers. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is our customer relationship management (CRM) business solution that drives sales productivity and marketing effectiveness through social insights, business intelligence, and campaign management in the cloud, on-premises, or with a hybrid combination.

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What is CRM?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is our customer relationship management (CRM) business solution that drives sales productivity and marketing effectiveness through social insights, business intelligence, and campaign management in the cloud, on-premises, or with a hybrid combination.

Customer relationship management (CRM) can help reduce costs and increase profitability by organizing and automating business processes that nurture customer satisfaction and loyalty in the sales, marketing, and customer service fields. CRM solutions can deliver ROI through marketing automation, customer service, and sales force automation.

We also offer mobile CRM apps and platforms that enable you to manage your customer relationships on your mobile devices, along with tools that integrate data and reporting from social media directly into your CRM application.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solutions


Sell effectivelyMicrosoft CRM_Sales
Your customers know more than ever before—making buying decisions before you can even engage. Your sales team must adapt to the new customer journey. We enable you to zero in, win faster, and sell more.

Reimagine sales with Microsoft Dynamics CRM




Microsoft CRM_Service

Care everywhere
Service expectations have changed forever. Customers expect quality, personalized service, on their terms. We help you earn loyalty, empower agents, and drive resolution with amazing service—at any time, via any channel.

Earn customer loyalty with Microsoft Dynamics CRM




Market smarterMicrosoft CRM_Marketing
Marketing needs are constantly changing. You need to engage customers in new ways across new channels, while showing the ROI of investments. We help you engage customers, build pipeline, and demonstrate impact.

Unleash your marketing potential with Microsoft Dynamics CRM



Microsoft CRM_Social

Social for everyone
Social insight can inform great customer experiences, ensuring that messages resonate while highlighting trends that impact your brand. But it shouldn’t cost a fortune or be limited to a few—it should be part of everything you do.

Get in on the conversation with Microsoft Social Listening



Contact Microsoft

Microsoft New Zealand

Level 5,
22 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
Level 12,
157 Lambton Quay
Level 2,
225 High Street

P: +64 9 362 5800 | P: 0800 864 384 | F: +64 9 357 0868

Microsoft Australia

Microsoft Pty. Limited
1 Epping Road
North Ryde NSW 2113
Postal Address:
PO Box 91,
North Ryde NSW 1670

P: 13 20 58 | International: P: +61 2 9870 2200 | 

Other exhibits

Microsoft Dynamics has CRM and ERP exhibits across both Australia and New Zealand:
ERP Australia | ERP New Zealand | CRM Australia | CRM New Zealand |

Thought leadership:

Microsoft Summit_transformation

Transformation, social and big, fat profits

November 16, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton

Microsoft rouses the troops, pointing to potential for the AU economy, public sector disruption and huge opportunities available to partners…

Microsoft_Frontline workers empowered

Microsoft adds ‘first-line’ workers to target market with new 365 deal

October 2, 2017 | Newsdesk

Microsoft releases its F1 ‘everything’ subscription plan, urging digitisation of frontline workers…

Skycity_Intergen ERP-CRM solution

SkyCity heads into the cloud

July 25, 2017 | Intergen

Intergen lands major deal for new Microsoft CRM/ERP solution…

Microsoft_field service

Field service at the sharp end of digital transformation

March 3, 2017 | Donovan Jackson

Doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is, apparently, at least one definition of insanity…


HoloLens soon to be available to local developers

October 13, 2016 | Donovan Jackson

But what will you do with augmented reality…

Microsoft sales gamification

The fun and games of sales gamification

October 13, 2016 | Newsdesk

Making a game of your sales effort is not something to be toyed with…

SRP Matrix_CSO_Microsoft

Whitepaper: How to elevate sales team performance

October 13, 2016 | CSO Insights

The Sales Relationship/Process matrix (SRP) is a proven method to measure and improve sales performance…

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft’s giant step forward for enterprise SaaS

October 12, 2016 | Donovan Jackson

Big reveal for ‘as-a-service’ applications with built-in intelligence…


Dynamics takes to the field

June 24, 2016 | Clare Coulson

Microsoft’s CRM solution has been extended to handle field services, Rolls Royce on board with deployment…

SAP and microsoft

SAP cosies up to Microsoft Azure

May 19, 2016 | Beverley Head

German software behemoth SAP is once again cosying up to other tech giants in a bid to expand the entire enterprise tech ecosystem and further entrench its market position…

polycom vid conf

How Microsoft and Polycom are making video ‘phone easy’

September 4, 2015 | Newsdesk

The gold standard for any technology system today is still the plain old telephone system…

windows 10

Post-PC Windows 10 eyes up Internet of Things

July 29, 2015 | Donovan Jackson

The timing has never been more challenging for the launch of a new version of Microsoft’s flagship operating system…

HP-microsoft Silver Service

HP and Microsoft unveil vertical solutions

April 16, 2015 | Beverley Head

HP has revealed details behind its partnership with Microsoft that has it serving up business-process-as-a-service solutions for the automotive, financial services and public sectors…

Media press release

Windows 10: A new generation of Windows

January 22, 2015 | Vendor - media release

REDMOND, Wash. — Jan. 21, 2015 — Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday unveiled a new generation of Windows, with a wide range of experiences designed to usher in…

Microsoft roadmap

Dynamics core to Microsoft NZ growth plans

July 21, 2014 | Clare Coulson

At Microsoft’s Partner Awards held earlier this year the company confirmed that it sees Dynamics as a core growth pillar for the New Zealand business over the next three years…

Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft’s four ERP systems – what’s the story?

July 4, 2010 | Microsoft

After a decade of ERP acquisitions, Microsoft has struggled to educate the New Zealand market on the differences between their Dynamics GP, NAV, SL and AX. We’ve dug up some history – and some speculation as to where they might be going in the future…


Case Studies:

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