

oracle buys Ruleburst

Oracle buys RuleBurst

November 8, 2008 | Newsdesk
Oracle is to acquire Australian-owned RuleBurst Holdings Limited, the parent company of Haley Limited, a provider of policy modelling and automation software for legislative and regulated industries such as public sector, financial services and insurance… read more...
SOA Framework

SOA? … So What? Bruce Gordon, Infor CTO, explains

August 20, 2008 | Newsdesk
Bruce Gordon, chief technology officer of business solutions vendor Infor, says using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework helps his company effectively introduce new capabilities into its software… read more...
Sam Morgan

Sam Morgan’s e-Business strategy – an iStart exclusive

June 8, 2006 | David McNickel
He’s now New Zealand’s 700 million dollar man, but six years ago when iStart’s David McNickel interviewed TradeMe founder Sam Morgan, his auction site wasn’t making a cent… read more...


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