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Support independent journalism

Here at iStart we are passionate about independent fact-based journalism.

If you feel the same way, and like what we do, then we welcome your support.

To help you give us a thumbs up and make a contribution to our ongoing improvement, we have partnered with PressPatron.

Their crowdfunding platform makes it easy for journalism websites to accept one-time or monthly contributions from their readers, in a few simple steps.

We invite you to make a contribution to our ongoing development costs by clicking the button below.

Kind regards,
Hayden, Heather, Jonathan and the team at iStart

p.s. We appreciate that some people won’t be able to contribute. That’s OK, we’re strong believers in the impact of quality journalism and will continue to provide free access to technology stories that matter.

Further information
The sections below provide more information about PressPatron.

What is PressPatron?
PressPatron is a Kiwi crowdfunding platform that makes it easy to support blogs and journalism websites.

Is my payment secure?
Payments made via PressPatron are securely processed using an SSL connection with 256-bit AES encryption. The underlying payment infrastructure is provided by Stripe, a leader in online payments who provides credit card processing for companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Xero, Kickstarter, and others.

All credit card data is encrypted and Stripe maintains strict administrative, technical, and physical procedures to protect your information. More info about Stripe’s security policies can be viewed here. PressPatron does not collect or store your credit card number within their own database.

How can I manage my payment preferences?
Once you have contributed, you will be given the option of creating a PressPatron account to manage your payment preferences. Your supporter dashboard will provide you an overview of your contributions, as well as an interface for editing your payment details. If you already have an account, you can login here.

Got any other questions?
Please get in touch if you have any questions or feedback:

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