
AppleGrove Restaurants have even more bite now Infor is in the grove
The chain of 100-plus restaurants has streamlined its business processes with the aid of Infor’s PM solution, and now staff are slicing and dicing data at will – giving the business real bite… read more...

EMDA helps Navico Power along with Infor ERP SyteLine
Nautical electronics supplier Navico is boosting its global ERP capabilities with Infor’s versatile SyteLine solution, and expert assistance from business partner EMDA… read more...

Improved customer relationship tool gives EcoNova a competitive advantage
The supplier of water recycling and treatment systems has enjoyed greater efficiencies and more powerful partner relationships since deploying NetSuite’s software-as-a-service solution… read more...

Carbon planet ready to take on the world
NetSuite’s on-demand business operating solution is helping the carbon management company quickly build a distributed global enterprise… read more...

Infor delivers a Tip Top supply chain solution
Smart demand planning and scheduling solutions have helped the iconic ice cream maker optimise production and lick the expensive issue of raw material wastage… read more...

Jet Reports slays the monster at Faber
At window blinds manufacturer Faber a complex report they called ‘The Monster’ took the IT manager hours to generate. Now the process takes only a few minutes… read more...