Switched on CEO: How tech took the V8 Supercars to international stage

Published on the 06/10/2011 | Written by iStart

The cutting-edge tech required for modern-day V8 racing means that you’re just as likely to find computer engineers and grease-monkeys in the pit…

The V8 Supercars. The name calls to mind revving engines, the classic Holden vs Ford battle, and of course, petrol heads. But putting aside the raw edge of snapped conrods and blown head gaskets in front of baying Mt Panorama fans for a moment, it becomes apparent that the modern day V8 Supercars race is, in fact, a tech enthusiast’s dream.

And with huge technical advances in the way the sport is performed and presented, the audience has changed as well. The days of the V8s being the exclusive cultural property of Aussies and Kiwis are long gone. These days, racing is big business and a truly international affair. The V8 Supercars organisation now stages events all over the globe – from Austin, Texas to Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and even in Cyberspace. Now acknowledged as the number three motorsport series in the world, the V8 Supercars championship has transformed itself from Aussie provincial attraction to a well and truly global phenomenon, and it’s still growing rapidly.

This year marks the 51st anniversary of the V8 Supercar championship. While fifty years may seem a long time, the race’s evolution into what it is today has been a gradual process of moving with the times.


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