Beverley Head

Fragile networks slug businesses and consumers
Five days with Telstra service interruptions and ten hours without email for most of iiNet’s customers – and that’s just in the last week… read more...

Shopping VR comes to a head
Australian retail giant Myer and eBay have teamed up on a virtual reality department store concept that is delivered direct to shoppers’ heads via their smartphones… read more...

SAP cosies up to Microsoft Azure
German software behemoth SAP is once again cosying up to other tech giants in a bid to expand the entire enterprise tech ecosystem and further entrench its market position… read more...

Process mapping supports forced amalgamation
New South Wales’ 19 forced council amalgamations could shave months off their merger timetables if they first map business processes… read more...

Navigating the innovation maze
Bombarded by new technologies ranging from blockchain to the internet of things, 3D printing, artificial intelligence and machine learning – enterprises are looking for guidance through the innovation maze… read more...

Department of No earns its stripes
The perception that the IT team is the ‘Department of No’ has been confirmed by a new international survey of 630 executives, 80 of whom are based in Australia… read more...

Unleashed Software raises $3 million funds break-even
The $3 million funding round that trans-Tasman business Unleashed Software just raised should take it to break-even point – but “something significant” is just 12-15 months away… read more...

Consumers cool over data breaches
The big bad bogeyman that is mandated data breach notification won’t be that big or bad after all… read more...

Smart cities sought – drives data demand
Frazzled commuters, unaffordable housing and the high cost of delivering services are all targets of a rash of smart city initiatives now gathering pace… read more...

NBN demand flounders as funds evaporate
The roll out of the national broadband network is continuing apace – but fewer than half of the households which could connect have yet bothered to do so… read more...

Legacy software vendors’ sloth gives fintechs head start
Legacy financial software vendors – the likes of SAP, Oracle and CSC – have been slapped by Gartner for their sluggish approach to innovation… read more...

Tech multinationals face tax crackdown
The 2016-17 budget painted a big red target on multinational technology companies that have shifted profits offshore to avoid paying tax… read more...

Horizon Power seeks further BI savings from IoT
Installing a new business analytics platform that business users could drive themselves paid for itself in a year – letting Horizon Power reduce headcount and expenses… read more...

Disruption means giving consumers what they want
Consumers are a demanding bunch – and it’s forcing established enterprises to disrupt their modus operandi, and on occasion to take a hefty financial stake in the disruptors… read more...

Data’s force awakens
Walt Disney’s Australian marketing team had just three and a half minutes of footage to leverage ahead of the Star Wars Force Awakens launch; it plugged the gap with data… read more...

Saturation, concentration and old fashioned ennui
Reports suggest that demand for tablet computers and smartphones has gone off the boil as the mobile market approaches saturation and consumers fail to fall for fads… read more...

Google runs insight platform on Amazon cloud
The fact that Google has bought Interactive Intelligence’s customer engagement solution, which runs on Amazon’s cloud, signals the growing IT spending power of business units… read more...

Australia unveils $230M cyber security strategy
The Federal Government has unveiled its cyber security strategy which features 33 new initiatives at a cost of $230 million over the next four years… read more...

Clarity emerges for and govCMS
After months of speculation it appears that the Government’s central online site,, currently under development, won’t reinvent the wheel… read more...

Wanted: part time data scientists
As organisational demand for data analytics increases, every organisation needs to hire or create a part time data scientist… read more...