
The desktop goes virtual
You may shudder at the thought, but modern enterprise architecture is slowly but surely returning to the mainframe fold, at least conceptually, and never more so than with the idea of virtual desktops – hosted in ‘the cloud’… read more...

5 email tips to boost personal productivity
If you or your team are not managing email effectively, they are not managing their time effectively. Office productivity expert Debbie Mayo-Smith has provided iStart with a few ‘freasy’ tips to get on top of the email overload… read more...

Shared services cost is the bottom line
Can lessons from the UK government shared services experience be applied to New Zealand’s public sector? A UK expert in implementing shared desktop services in govtt recently visited these shores to meet with key customers and industry leaders… read more...

The customer is always right
In a world of excess, uniformity and repetition, customers are buying experiences, not products or services… read more...

Business Intelligence shoots up the charts
iStart’s annual investment survey shows BI has jumped into the limelight among the ‘must-have’ applications in 2011 as business shines the crystal ball to track market changes in volatile times… read more...

Why Business Process Management?
Business Process Management isn’t just about reducing paper. It allows you to re-engineer processes, achieve operational efficiencies and extend workflows to suppliers and customers, as well as breathing new life into legacy systems… read more...