
Pivotal offers try-before-you-buy big data option
Australian and New Zealand companies are being offered the chance to access Pivotal’s Singapore-based innovation centre to use agile methods and Pivotal technologies to prototype big data applications… read more...

Cloud sprawl may prompt enterprise bill shock
Enterprise appetite for local and global infrastructure as a service (IaaS) continues to mount – but without proper checks and balances businesses are facing bill shock and integration challenges… read more...

Death knell sounds for Microsoft XP
Microsoft turns off support for Windows XP and Office 2003 next week meaning no more patches, updates or technical support which may spur both security issues and hardware sprees… read more...

SAP bites bullet with local data centre
SAP will open its own Sydney-based data centre tomorrow, initially to host SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud, but eventually also as the host data centre for its Business ByDesign ERP solution… read more...
Enterprise clients and cloud services drive contact centre sales boom
Contact centre technology supplier Interactive Intelligence has grown its Australian and New Zealand revenues by an astonishing 66 percent in the last year, with 88 percent of its sales now for cloud-based solutions, as its push into the enterprise sector pays off … read more...

Flamingo aims to put customer service in the pink
An Australian software start-up has created a relationship management platform that puts the power back in the hands of the consumer as part of a bid to improve customer experience and cut churn… read more...

Seismic shifts for sector as CIOs struggle to keep pace
Seven out of ten CIOs will switch vendors in the next two to three years as they struggle to keep pace with both changing technology and sectoral shifts… read more...
Hadoop big data vulnerabilities too often ignored
As the role of big data grows in the enterprise, organisations are looking to replicate information governance and security practices associated with other mission critical systems… read more...
Apptio begins ANZ push with CIO toolset
Software has been developed to support enterprise HR, finance, marketing and manufacturing functions but CIOs have tended to rely on spreadsheets to manage IT; the cobbler’s children are shoeless… read more...
CIOs must boost project management skills or risk decline
A gradual erosion in IT project management skills, which has taken place over the last decade, is now threatening the ability of companies to keep pace with competitors… read more...

Recruiter seeks regional tech superstars
Recruitment company Talent International is planning to roll out the red carpet for the region’s technology superstars and has enlisted Sir Richard Branson and Steve Wozniak to help… read more...
Why it pays to boost customer service
People will pay up to 14 percent more for what they perceive as goods or services supported by good customer service – it’s why companies are scurrying to trumpet their success in the field… read more...

Productivity report shows Australian decline, avoids technology
While a new report into Australia’s productivity challenge makes scarcely a mention about technology, one of its authors has said that the NBN holds the key to unleashing immense productivity benefits… read more...

Technology and customers key to corporate strategy in digital age
While technology’s importance has risen significantly in the eyes of the CEO in the last 10 years, CEOs in Australia are lagging when it comes to the importance they place on customer influence… read more...

Gartner: race is on to fill gap in BI market
Data discovery capabilities are dominating new BI and analytics purchasing requirements, but ‘governed data discovery’ remains a challenge unmet by any one vendor… read more...
CIOs must focus on the customer, says Forrester
New research shows CIOs are too focused on back-end systems rather than the customer and need to manage the balance better… read more...
NBN audit: wise move or witch hunt?
The Coalition Government has announced it has begun a probe into the history of Labor’s NBN… read more...
AIIA maps out the route to Australia’s digital future
The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has produced a set of policy priorities for 2014 designed to boost the country’s ICT industry and its contribution to the economy… read more...
Telstra wants foreign ownership limits lifted
Telstra has joined another former Australian government owned carrier, Qantas, in calling for its foreign ownership limits to be removed… read more...
Data centres sprouting in Australia
The data centre industry in Australia is booming with three major new data centres announced in the space of a week… read more...