Published on the 05/09/2017 | Written by iStart

This webinar is relevant for any business leader challenged with balancing resources and time-based billing in service businesses…
Companies are increasingly moving from selling products, to selling services. Being able to buy things as a service or subscription is not only accepted, it is becoming the preference – GE has famously re-invented itself, instead of selling jet engines and wind turbines, it offers these items as a service. At the consumer end of town, Dollar Shave Club, Trunk Club and Amazon Prime all show the value of building a direct and ongoing relationship between suppliers and consumers. Learn from Ben the answers to questions such as: 1. Do businesses across A/NZ have to worry about this trend or are we insulated from this broader move? 2. What do organisations need to think about to ensure they remain competitive in the new service economy? Industry analyst Ben Kepes’s presentation and Q&A session with iStart’s Hayden McCall set the scene and get us all thinking about what the future holds. Thanks to our event sponsor FinancialForce.