Published on the 30/07/2015 | Written by Beverley Head

Adobe has taken the lead in the supply of digital marketing platforms – but it’s already under threat, particularly from Oracle and Salesforce…
In its new digital marketing report, industry analyst Ovum has named Adobe as the leader in the supply of digital marketing platforms. It along with IBM, Oracle, Salesforce, SAS, Teradata and Marketo control three quarters of the $US5 billion global market, according to the analyst.
Ovum believes that driven by enterprises’ “digital transformation” agendas, annual percentage growth will remain well into double digits for the foreseeable future.
While Adobe is currently top dog, Ovum has warned that Oracle and Salesforce are likely to exploit Adobe’s relative inexperience with e-commerce along with its lack of bigger picture communications vision and challenge its leadership position.
It claims that most vendors also still have to improve their social media capabilities to support social collaboration, social network integration and capture of user-generated content.
Whichever vendor wins the war to supply the most digital marketing platforms there is no doubt that demand will continue to rise rapidly.
Enterprises routinely spend about 10 percent of their revenues on marketing activities, with spending on digital marketing growing faster than more traditional marketing investments. A recent Australian survey of marketing executives found that 77 percent planned to increase their investment in digital marketing over the coming year.
The rapid rise of digital marketing reflects consumers’ enthusiasm for all things online. According to the latest Nielsen Online Landscape review which tracks Australians’ online habits, during June 2015 the typical Australian spent 37 hours online, spread across 63 sessions. As a nation 18.1 million Australians were active online content surfers, spending a total of 61 billion minutes online during June.
Both digital and data driven marketing will be under the microscope at two major events being held in Sydney during August. First off is the Association for Data Driven Marketing and Advertising’s (ADMA) global conference next week which has attracted a strong lineup of local and international speakers explaining how data and analytics can and have been deployed.
Meanwhile on August 26 the Interactive Advertising Bureau will hold a leadership summit for exploring “Marketing 2020” and the rise of the digital agenda.