Bank lets Australian iPhone customers transfer money without fees

Published on the 06/09/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

As mobile payments start to flourish thanks to the growth of smartphones, ANZ has launched an iPhone app that lets its Australian customers send money to anyone with a mobile phone…

ANZ boasts that its point of difference is that those transactions are free of bank charges and the app is simple to use.

The app called goMoney had more than 30,000 downloads in the first week. It allows its customers to send up to $1000 a day to recipients without the need for their bank account details. The identifier is the person’s mobile phone number. You just enter that number and the amount.

If the recipient is not a goMoney user, they can retrieve the funds from a secure ANZ Bank Web site. There is no charge for the transaction.

The app also lets customers manage their money as its interface lets them access and check their account balances and transfer funds. Customers, once registered for the service, only needs to use a four-digit number to log in.

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