Published on the 08/02/2010 | Written by Newsdesk
Adelaide council deploys software solution to realise its climate change strategy…
Campbelltown City Council in Adelaide has purchased TechnologyOne software solutions to help it progress its new climate change strategy, understand its emission profile, and support State Government.
The South Australian Government has publicly stated its intention to be a leader in addressing climate change and aims to reduce state emissions by 60% by 2050 – a goal that requires local government support.
In 2009, the State Government introduced emissions reporting and reduction as new criteria for the annual Grants Commission Return, which each council must submit to secure its funding from the Federal allocation.
The Local Government Association of South Australia has also committed $600,000 to help local councils develop climate change adaptation plans with the goal of having the first 25 plans completed by the end of 2009.
The new TechnologyOne solution will enable Campbelltown City Council to pinpoint where it currently stands, especially in relation to the National Greenhouse Reporting Initiative (NGER), which has serious consequences for organisations that do not comply, including fines of up to $220,000 and personal liability for CEOs.
“The immediate benefit we could see was that by using TechnologyOne software, we would be able to capture all the relevant data in one place and keep it under our control,” says Campbelltown City Council CEO, Paul Di Iulio.
“The new system will also save us time. We were working with a global climate protection program, but it required a lot of duplication, necessitating months of work manually rekeying data. TechnologyOne is helping us to streamline all of this and we can monitor how our emissions are faring in real time.”