Deadline ahead for Victorian digital economy strategy contributions - iStart keeping business informed on technology

Deadline ahead for Victorian digital economy strategy contributions

Published on the 04/07/2014 | Written by Newsdesk

Businesses and private citizens wishing to contribute to the region’s digital economy strategy have until the end of this month to make their submissions…

Last week the Minister for Technology Gordon Rich-Phillips launched a new website focused on the digital economy with the aim of gathering public input into the development of a strategy to support Victoria’s digital economy. He said that while governments play an important role in growing the digital economy, individuals and businesses must collaborate with them and “lead the charge”.

“We want to use the Digital Economy Strategy website and co-production approach to invite innovative and effective strategies for boosting Victoria’s digital capability, capacity and skills. We are particularly interested in hearing how government can actively help to improve digital capabilities.”

A little more than a week after the launch, and a quick look at the site reveals that engagement in the conversation is building, particularly around the themes of ‘digital infrastructure’, ‘digital innovation and entrepreneurship’ and ‘a skilled workforce’. The twitter stream for #digitaleconomyvic is also getting the word out and directing readers to the website, with calls to participate beginning to circulate throughout the online business community.

Initially the website was looking for feedback on the themes of ‘digital inclusion’, ‘competitive SMEs’, ‘infrastructure’, and ‘innovation and entrepreneurship’, however, three more themes have already been added to the conversation, including ‘skilled workforce’, ‘telecommuting’, and ‘leadership in government’.

Businesses and private citizens wishing to participate have until the 30th July to do so, via the website at www.digital-economy.vic.gov.au or on twitter at #digitaleconomyvic.

The feedback will be used to shape a new Digital Economy Strategy whose remit is to help build the digital capability of Victorian businesses, maintain Victoria’s stature as a digital leader, and position the State as a strong and innovative digital economy well-placed to take advantage of the enormous benefits and opportunities generated by digital technologies.

“Creating a successful digital economy requires a collaborative effort drawing on the experiences, ideas and ingenuity of Victorians, as well as global innovation and experience,” said the Minister, who added that the consultation period will not be the end of the conversation.

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