Published on the 08/09/2009 | Written by Newsdesk

In a significant business win for Telecom’s ICT services business, the dairy giant is shifting more than half of its mobile connections away from Vodafone…
Gen-i and Fonterra have signed a three year contract that extends their existing relationship to include the supply of mobile solutions enabled by Telecom’s new XT mobile network.
The new contract will bring together Fonterra’s mobile handset and data card services in New Zealand to deliver cost efficiencies and support Fonterra’s future business requirements by providing new converged ICT solutions that leverage future innovations in mobile and fixed technologies.
Previously Fonterra had about 2,000 of its 3,500 mobile connections with Vodafone.
The new agreement extends an existing contract between Gen-i and Fonterra for the supply of network infrastructure, network managed services, voice calling and access services. It will also include mobile services and the provision of XT mobile handsets and datacards.
Fonterra’s chief information officer, Chris Barendregt, says the decision to move the majority of services to Telecom was made to reduce costs and increase service and coverage options.
“We’re confident that this will give us improved service and mobile and data card coverage in New Zealand and we expect to see significant cost efficiencies made at the same time,” Barendregt says.