Published on the 05/09/2013 | Written by Newsdesk

The Australian business software company Markinson has added another string to its bow with the purchase of ComOps’ Korellus ERP software solutions business operations and assets…
The Korellus operation includes the Korellus software suite, which encompasses ERP, POS, field automation, and business intelligence applications serving a variety of industries including manufacturing, distribution, fast moving consumer goods and retail. Markinson already offers a wide range of business software solutions, including Microsoft Dynamics, SalesLogixand, QlikView, as well as its own in-house solutions and the purchase of Korellus will round out the business software company’s offerings. Korellus also brings a wealth of high-profile Asia-Pacific customers to Markinson, including Toshiba, Coca-Cola, and Dulux.
Meanwhile, the sale of the ComOps ERP business to Markinson, which followed a review undertaken by the ComOps board of directors to assess the most appropriate action to be taken to reduce debt and build value for shareholders, will allow ComOps to focus on building its workforce management business, which recent sales have shown to hold significant opportunities for growth both locally and globally.
Markinson’s CEO, Ian Whiting, says, “The addition of the ERP solutions of ComOps further extends the reach of Markinson in these [Asia-Pacific] regions and provides the customers of those solutions a company with a strong financial foundation, firm focus on customer satisfaction and an opportunity to grow their business with a quality partner.”
Steven Rattray, a director of ComOps Limited, added, “This is an exciting development for both the Korellus business and its customers. Being part of Markinson will provide a strong corporate platform and access to resources and expertise which will improve the product portfolio and extend market reach, while at the same time continuing to provide first-class service to their customers.”
The acquisition also reflects the on-going growth of Markinson. Earlier this year Markinson was awarded the 2012 ‘Fastest Growing Partner’ Award for Asia, Pacific and Japan, at the Progress Partner Conference. The award honours the application partner that achieved the greatest year-over-year growth – in the 2012 financial year Markinson grew 184 percent over the previous year.
Last year Markinson also won the award for ‘Highest Revenue for SalesLogix’ at the annual Sage Insights 2012 Partner Conference, with a press release from Markinson commenting that, “the achievement reflects the success of Markinson’s continued efforts in developing a CRM centre of excellence, and is an indication of the continued growth in demand for integrated business management systems from mid-market organisations in the region”.
Markinson is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Friedman Corporation. The agreement to purchase the Korellus ERP business was subject to ComOps shareholder approval, which was granted prior to closing.