McCall fishes for bigger digital business

Published on the 28/08/2013 | Written by Hayden McCall

iStart transforms with complete technology refresh, GM calls initiative “big fishing”…

In a world first, Hayden McCall of iStart has confirmed he has loaded his first news item.  iStart sources have indicated that this will not be the first foray into online publishing from the previously delegative publisher.

“I am really keen to get myself out more,” said McCall in a recent interview. “For too long I’ve sat around and let other people do the hard yards, but these days the expectation is for everybody to pull their weight.”

McCall added that he gets quite excited about the digital possibilities that web publishing 2.0 offers businesses like iStart, and its clients. “My staff are chomping at the bit to get their teeth into the new capabilities that WordPress provides, and can’t wait to see their own publishing efforts flourish,” he said.

“It’s all about catching bigger fish.”

McCall announced at a recent industry gala event that iStart has always embraced online, but the transformation project will allow it to fully embrace the digital age, and do more for clients.

He also advised that the iStart website project, while slightly behind, had addressed several complex issues that are now resolved.

Website developer Mark Jackson was unavailable for comment at the time of going to print.

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