
Ransomware shifts attention to IoT
A new wave of ransomware looms – and this time it could get very “DieHard”, courtesy of the Internet of Things… read more...

SAP launches Institute for Digital Government
Software giant seeks to spur public sector innovation…

Nitro boss urges Government to act faster
Sam Chandler has a blunt message for Government; your intentions may be good, but you must match them with actions – and fast… read more...

Focus on perimeter security misses point
When HP and the Ponemon Institute asked 28 Australian organisations about their experience with cybercrime, they discovered that the average cost of an attack was now $4.9 million… read more...

Robots invade the contact centre
Artificial intelligence is about to percolate deeper into enterprise contact centres, with machines taking over the simpler consumer interactions… read more...

Digitising the boardroom: What took you so long?
While companies have generally focused digitisation efforts on line of business processes, there is one rather significant level to which automation hasn’t yet reached: the boardroom… read more...

HANA Vora to stimulate appetite for big data?
With the launch of a new software product, SAP sets out to help harness big data… read more...

ANZ IT spending plays tag with GDP
Australia’s investment in technology is likely to grow in line with the nation’s expected rise in GDP – while New Zealand’s pace of IT spending growth will be a tad slower in 2016… read more...

BMC takes on legacy
For all the talk of new age computing platforms, the mainframe still plays a major role with almost two thirds of Australian mainframe users planning to grow their use of the platform… read more...

Mapping tool offers hope to besieged councils
A review of 139 NSW councils by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has found only 52 to be “Fit for the future” leaving many facing amalgamations and transformations… read more...

How retailers can read customers’ minds to provide better service
Increasing sales is easier with insight into preferred products, how customers like to shop, and whether they prefer discount or loyalty cards… read more...

Inbound marketing: (Not yet) All the rage
Inbound marketing software vendor HubSpot is pushing an APAC campaign to drive its solutions deeper into what it believes is a willing market… read more...

Policy hackathon tackles ten top ideas
A couple of hundred people gathered in Sydney on Saturday for Australia’s first policy hackathon, focusing on just ten of the 284 ideas collected in advance of the event… read more...

CDOs lead the way on digital transformation – for now
Chief digital officers may be all the rage among transforming enterprises – but they could find themselves with a very short corporate shelf life according to new research… read more...

SaaS anti-fraud tool for safer etailing
Retailers gain real time access to risk profiles based on more than 12 years of retail transaction data.. read more...

Customer data is dollars – but many ignore it
Many organisations do not manage customer data as a corporate asset, and the monetary value of that data is often ignored, according to Gartner, Inc… read more...

Dell deal top of mind for VMware forum
For the Australian VMware users already signed up to attend vForum in Sydney next week, there will be just one topic of conversation – what will the Dell takeover of EMC mean?… read more...

Economy and dollar send chip sales south
The impact of a higher $US are taking their toll on hardware sales – and the future’s also looking shakier than usual given semiconductor forecasts… read more...

Banks and fintechs face technology tsunami
The 2015 World Payments Report has demonstrated Australians’ continued enthusiasm for non-cash transactions with the country ranking fourth in the world… read more...

Government experiments with policy hackathon
Australia will hold its first “policy hackathon” in Sydney this Saturday – presumably to come up with at least some minimal viable innovation policies for the new Turnbull Government… read more...