
Amazon jumps through hoops before DevOps
Teams at Amazon which want to innovate must start by writing a press release before developing anything… read more...

Microsoft releases Office 2016
The worldwide release of Microsoft’s Office 2016 productivity software is underway… read more...

Shadow IT seduces CFOs
The lure of cloud computing for CMOs is well understood and has seen more of the IT budget head to that department – now it’s the CFO’s turn… read more...

Beyond the photocopier to workflow control
Office copiers have been transformed into business process management tools. We look at some of the offerings available and find out what they can do to make document management easier… and deliver your coffee just so, too… read more...

Australian PM announces “21st Century Government”
Fifteen years into the millennium, Australia has been delivered its first “21st Century Government” courtesy of newly installed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull… read more...

ANZ leaders embrace cloud based testing
Australian and New Zealand technology leaders are leading the world in terms of their adoption of cloud based quality assurance testing – but there are still gaps in the repertoire… read more... in its sights as SAP looks beyond CRM?
SAP is working on future technologies intended to transform the relationships companies have with their customers… read more...

Pega integrates analytics across its range
Business software supplier Pegasystems is riding the coattails of market demand for analytics, making its customer decision hub an integral part of its software suite rather than an optional bolt on… read more...

Australia’s new PM ‘gets IT’
It’s clear that the change to the top job in Australia will have significant consequences for the IT industry according to Ovum government technology analyst… read more...

Communications minister Turnbull moves into top job
Australia has appointed former communications minister Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister after a leadership spill last night which evicted Tony Abbott from the role… read more...

APIs top of mind across ANZ
Enabling mobile applications, improving customer satisfaction and generating revenue among key drivers for API adoption… read more...

Software promises financial fillip for multinationals
Financial software company BlackLine is readying a new version of its intercompany hub software to better support global organisations’ transfer pricing arrangements… read more...

How technology managers are tackling transformation
With the industry abuzz with transformation, the role of the IT department itself is coming under increased scrutiny… read more...

Apple and Blackberry forage for fruits of mobile demand
Apple must be hoping that the release of the new iPhone 6S this week will help spike sales in Australia and internationally… read more...

Getting the measure of email
Return Path has announced that it is offering an Australian version of its email data cloud services offering insights from the inboxes of 80,000 Australians including Telstra BigPond users… read more...

Watch for these six business continuity gaps that can cost you
With an abundance of factors that can disrupt operations, effective business continuity strategies are challenging… read more...

Digital gap widens as benefits crystallise
A widening gap is opening between digital leaders and digital laggards with 32 percent of medium to large scale organisations now having a digital business up and running… read more...

Industry needs to communicate cloud better
Cloud computing isn’t a technology discussion, it’s a business driver… read more...

Breaking down not-for-profit ‘brick walls’
Constantly searching for ways to keep a lid on operating costs while ensuring positive outcomes, not-for-profit organisations are recognising the benefits offered by integrated IT systems… read more...

SAP’s Ariba targets corporate slavery through data insights
Ariba, the procurement and business network subsidiary of SAP, is promoting its links with Made in the Free World to stamp out industrial slavery in Australian supply chains… read more...