
Apple Matters: iOS 8…approach with caution, but Apple’s on track
The iPhone 6 might be dominating the mainstream media but, for the masses of iPhone users, the new iOS 8 update is causing its own stir. We asked Apple blogger Mark Webster if Apple is on the right track post-Steve Jobs… read more...

Goodbye InternetMana, hello an ICT policy agenda
At first glance a political party dedicated to technology should have had the ICT industry jumping for joy, but that was not to be the case as it garnered just 1.26 percent of the vote last Saturday… read more...

Cloud environment best for software/UX testing
Cloud computing has boosted the ability of organisations to test their systems for extreme loads in order to guard against embarrassing and potentially costly crashes… read more...

Careful, they might hear you
There has been a step change in enterprises’ ability to economically capture, store, tag and index every conversation that their call centre ever has with a customer… read more...

Unleashed seeks sales and skills in US/UK
New Zealand-based Unleashed Software is planning a push into the northern hemisphere as it seeks more sales and skills to fuel its growth strategy… read more...

Appetite piques for streamlined tax reporting
Australian businesses are starting to tangle more seriously with the notion of standard business reporting, which in the future will allow more streamlined tax and compliance reporting… read more...

Is Alibaba IPO a threat to Amazon, eBay?
Chinese e-commerce platform Alibaba is set to make history with the biggest Nasdaq IPO on record… read more...

The six steps of Agile testing
Agile development shops need to take a fresh approach to software testing and measure the success of software development according to a team’s ability to deliver what is expected by the business… read more...

Family homes become the latest IoT battleground
In less than a decade the typical family home in Australia and New Zealand could contain several hundred internet connected devices as the cost of making a device internet-smart drops to around $1… read more...

ERP systems miss the reconciliation mark
Many large ERP platforms still don’t have fully functioned reconciliation, leaving many businesses, including Qantas in the past, to use spreadsheets to handle the task… read more...

Atlassian feathers the financial nest
Sydney-based software company Atlassian chose to release strong financial results that position the company well for any future share market listing during its Silicon Valley user summit this month… read more...

Equip your salespeople for on-the-road success
Evidence shows that the ‘hard sell’ does not generate loyalty, but a good experience does. The experts at MYOB discuss what salespeople need to achieve this… read more...

How technology trends are helping Life Sciences
The experts at UXC Eclipse say there are a number of technologies that are driving the Life Sciences market forward… read more...

Apple seeks slice of payments market
The launch of Apple Pay, which will turn the new iPhone6 and Apple Watch into tap-and-go digital wallets, can’t take place in A/NZ before 2015 because part of the security framework is missing… read more...

Government signals crack down on tax/price rorts
Australia’s Treasurer has signalled his intent to ensure overseas technology companies pay their fair share of tax, and also are stopped from price gouging local consumers… read more...

Indian tech firms up the ante in Australia
Leading Indian technology vendors are expanding their footprint in the Australian market, and looking to acquire already scarce local IT skills to meet growing demand… read more...

Only one A/NZ business makes grade on supply chains
Only one organisation based in Australia has made the cut for Gartner’s annual list of the most effective supply chains in Asia Pacific – and New Zealand fails to rate a mention… read more...

Salesforce community plug-in described as LinkedIn for corporates
Salesforce has released software templates that allow organisations to build communities of customers, resellers or employers so they can interact and collaborate in the cloud including from mobiles and wearables… read more...

Australia bawled out over science fail
Australia’s chief scientist has given the country an F, noting that it is the only OECD nation without a national strategy for science, technology or innovation… read more...

Is your email signature legal?
The laws and legislation surrounding email disclaimers are tightening all around the globe with the prospect of significant fines for non-conformists… read more...