
Retail not alone with omni-channel complexities
NetSuite CEO is targeting omni-channel along with services and user experience upgrades to support company growth… read more...

Search for supply chain riches drives SAP
Better control of supply chains can deliver competitive advantage which is driving growth in supply chain and procurement software sales – but the local market is far from saturated… read more...

Budget wields tech axe, fails on vision
Australia’s Treasurer Joe Hockey has handed down a budget intended to slice the deficit, but do little for the nation’s ability to compete in the emerging digital economy… read more...

Mindtree boosts SAP mobile options
India’s Mindtree has announced that it will deliver access to SAP mobile systems on a pay-as-you-go basis for Australian companies, hosting the service in Amazon Web Services’ local data centre… read more...

Cloud still demands careful taxpayer consideration
The special exemption granted to TechnologyOne by New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department (IRD) shouldn’t be interpreted as a cloud free-for-all either for Australian or NZ taxpayers… read more...

Salesforce leads in CRM stakes
Cloud-based customer relationship management specialist Salesforce has grown its share of the global CRM market – even though almost 60 percent of new CRM deployments are still on premise… read more...

Executives warn social media has marketing limitations
Australian airline Qantas runs 50 marketing campaigns a month – and despite senior executive enthusiasm for it, social media marketing isn’t delivering a standout success… read more...

Cyber-crime galvanizes Cebit
The rapidly rising cost of cyber-crime and the impact that it is having on Australian businesses has proven a clear focus for the start of the Cebit exhibition and conference in Sydney… read more...

IT managers blast cloud SLAs
Technology executives may buy cloud services, but they have little faith in the service level agreements on offer and almost three in four think cloud companies actively hide problems… read more...

Big banks battle in innovation arms race, encroach on accounting system territory
The big banks’ battle to beat each other in the innovation stakes continues with Commonwealth and Westpac now competing over card-free cash withdrawals, while other innovations are blurring the lines between traditional banking and accounting system roles… read more...

“Perfect storm” fuels encryption appetite
C-suite awareness of data security has soared thanks to Australia’s new privacy regime, ongoing Edward Snowden revelations and Heartbleed, which have combined to whet the appetite for encryption read more...

Cebit kicks off new venue, new line-up
One of the highlights of the region’s information technology calendar kicks off in Sydney next week in a new venue and with a whole new line-up…hopefully… read more...

Tait secures Brisbane Airport contract ahead of G20 summit
The communications company will design, deploy and manage a critical new communications system for the airport, allowing it to focus on its core business… read more...

Predictive analytics cracks down on crime
Listed New Zealand technology company Wynyard is predicting strong Australian demand for its crime analytics platform as it becomes predictive… read more...

Wearables ride wave of demand
RipCurl has unveiled a GPS smartwatch that counts surfers’ waves, calculates their top speeds, and can then sync the information to a smartphone or computer; signaling yet more wearables for the masses… read more...

CEOs pin hopes on IT to spur growth
Since the late 1990s IT has been viewed by CEOs largely as a tool to boost productivity and reduce costs, but in 2014 there is new emphasis on technology being deployed to drive growth… read more...

Business owners warned; keep control of cloud accounts
A warning bell has been sounded for businesses which allow their accountants or bookkeepers to take out subscriptions to cloud accounting services on their behalf… read more...

Traction for Office 365, slow grind to Azure
While Microsoft continues to gain traction for its cloud-based Office 365 – the company grinds on slowly toward opening a local Azure data centre, almost a year after one was first promised… read more...

Infrastructure projects need more data, less concrete says NICTA
Australia’s leading IT research organisation has called on major infrastructure projects to invest more time analysing data and less pouring concrete… read more...

Dropbox sets up shop to lure business users
Claiming its system is already used by 95 percent of Australia’s top 100 listed companies Dropbox has opened an office in Sydney – but has no plans to offer local data hosting… read more...