Pronto goes true blue with ‘Australian Owned’ credentials

Published on the 26/03/2025 | Written by Heather Wright

Employers in unsustainable AI hiring spree

As AU government defines local…

ERP provider and analytics software provider Pronto Software has achieved certification as an ‘Australian-owned’ business, in a move the company says is a significant milestone, reinforcing the company’s commitment to local businesses.

The Australian Owned (AO) certification – from the organisation of the same name – requires businesses to pass an assessment process, including a minimum of 80 percent Australian ownership, and includes a unique AO ID number, with successful companies able to use the trademarked AO logo. (It’s also separate from the Australian Made labelling, which came under fire last year with Australian companies irate that foreign owned products were using the label, highlighting the difference between something made in Australia, versus an Australian owned company.)

“This certification reinforces our commitment to helping Australian businesses thrive.”

The 45-year-old Melbourne headquartered company, whose Pronto Xi ERP and analytics software is used in Australia and New Zealand across a wide range of sectors including manufacturing, mining, distribution, retail, building and construction and services, says the certification highlights its commitment to delivering ERP and analytics solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of Australian and APAC businesses.

Chad Gates, Pronto Software managing director, says as Australian organisations navigate an increasingly complex digital landscape they need trusted, local technology partners who are on the ground and can understand their challenges and support them with secure, locally developed solutions.

“This certification reinforces our commitment to helping Australian businesses thrive,” Gates says.

“Every year, hundreds of global technology companies enter the Australian market, but many don’t offer on the ground support, or understand the nuances of the local market,” Pronto Software, whose local reseller, implementation and support partners include Velocity Global, says.

“This recognition… assures customers that they are partnering with a company that contributes directly to the national economy.”

The company is calling on local businesses to choose home-grown technology solutions to support Australian innovation and the economy.

It’s a call that’s often been heard over the years from Australian and Kiwi companies, forced to compete against multinational firms, but often loosing out, particularly on the big contracts to global ‘name brands’.

Australian Owned says its certification is designed to differentiate firms that are truly Australian-owned and operated – in turn helping create jobs, reinvesting globally and supporting local communities.

Australia’s ICT sector contributes nearly 10 percent of GDP with more than 830,000 jobs, while in New Zealand, the sector accounts for around eight percent of GDP and employ more than 59,000.

Earlier this month the federal government announced an official definition of an ‘Australian business’, in Commonwealth procurement, in an effort to driver further local purchasing in Commonwealth contracts.

The definition, announced by Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic and Minister for Finance and for Government Services, Katy Gallagher, is the first time an official definition has been provided for policy or legislation.

It requires companies to be 50 percent or more Australian owned or principally traded on an Australian equities market; have Australian tax residency and have Australia as its principal place of business.

Companies will be able to self-declare as an Australian business under the new definition with the information included on the Whole of Government Panel from 2025-26.

Gallagher says procurement is one of the most important economic levers government has – helping to grow the economy, support small and medium businesses and benefit Australian workers and consumers.

“Being able to easily identify Australian businesses in tender processes will help make them more competitive, and guide future initiatives to better support them,” she says.

Husic adds that the government wants Australian companies to have a chance to provide goods and services to government and wants those businesses to be ‘genuine, true-blue’ Australian businesses, the new definition provides the confidence that is the case.

“Government is a big potential customer for lots of businesses, especially in our world-class tech sector.

“These changes help smaller Australian businesses have a fair crack providing genuine competition against big multinational firms for government contracts.”

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