Published on the 24/06/2015 | Written by Vendor - media release

Does the thought of managing, upgrading, or keeping up with the latest IT trend send you running for cover? Citrix’s David Nicol suggests a better way…
For small to medium business (SMB) owners, IT can divert attention away from core business priorities, and can sometimes be a troublesome, time-consuming and costly experience, particularly in the absence of a dedicated IT team or expert. Yet, for those SMBs that get IT right, it has the potential to deliver significant benefits for the company, and the national economy. As such, it is vital that as an SMB owner you have access to, and understand, the technology empowering you to succeed. One technology platform coming to the attention of business owners is Workspace-as-a-Service (WaaS). For SMBs, WaaS is ideal for simplifying IT management, making cost reductions and enabling a mobile workforce. Hosted in the cloud, costs are predictable and a specialist third party takes care of management. WaaS delivers secure, seamless, anytime access to all business applications, services, and data across corporate and personally owned devices. It provides a virtual workspace which can negate the need for on-premise IT and, in some instances, the need for physical office space. With WaaS, you have all the benefits of a fully-functioning IT environment without the majority of the costs. As a cloud service, upgrades are server-side and can be implemented immediately. Capital expenditure is reduced or even eliminated, freeing up financial resources. Wherever your access device goes, your workspace comes with. Enabled for mobile work, your company is more attractive to talented people. Running IT from a central environment means better security management; and, like other cloud services, WaaS scales up and down to meet business needs accurately. If WaaS is right for your organisation, it can deliver the freedom to focus on and grow the parts of your business you care about the most.FURTHER READING