Online merchants get client-aware cloud

Published on the 01/11/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

intel cloud

NetSuite marries a new Intel Web API and promises merchants a competitive advantage…

NetSuite, provider of cloud-based financials / ERP software suites, says it’s taking advantage of the new Intel Web API to enhance user experience on NetSuite’s e-commerce platform to create the client-aware cloud.

With client profile data obtained from Intel Web APIs including CPU, battery life, and network connection, the NetSuite Ecommerce platform can be instantly optimised to provide a better shopping experience, boosting online revenue and reducing cart abandonment.

It says that this convergence of leading-edge cloud computing, targeted user interface designs and customer intelligence enables online merchants to establish a competitive advantage with optimised user experience site designs and merchandising, perfectly tailored to shoppers’ needs as well as the capabilities of their chosen connected device.

Happier e-commerce shoppers
Websites which take too long to load can result in negative brand perception and a significant loss in overall sales.

According to the August 2009 Forrester Research report “eCommerce Web Site Performance Today”, poor site performance leads to shopper dissatisfaction and site abandonment, and slow-rendering websites lead to lost online sales.

One-third of shoppers who abandoned a recent shopping session were dissatisfied with a retail site’s performance, and 79 percent of online shoppers who experience a dissatisfying visit are likely to no longer buy from that site.

NetSuite says its new ecommerce platform, and the new, in-depth metrics made possible by Intel Web API, meant e-tailers could now create and deliver the optimal shopping experience with multimedia interactivity, without sacrificing performance or delivering sub-optimal experience. Merchants do not need to compromise the design of their site to accommodate the low-end CPU and connectivity; the user experience can now be customised to meet the capabilities of the shopper’s device.

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