

business in usa

Gidday USA! Tips for doing business in the US

May 21, 2008 | Paul Trotter
Since he founded Author-it, info entrepreneur Paul Trotter’s unique content management solution has been implemented by over 3000 companies across 50 countries… read more...
ERP solutions

10 ‘must ask’ questions when buying a mid-market ERP solution

January 30, 2008 | Newsdesk
As more ERP vendors focus their offerings at mid-tier organisations, the ERP choices available in this sector can be bewildering. Big brand or small, horizontal or vertical, onsite or virtual? For managers looking to either install, replace or upgrade their systems, these 10 questions should be top-of-mind when making this critical ERP selection decision… read more...

Is your website content delivering you results?

November 7, 2006 | Rob Williams
Imagine you’re the owner of a successful car dealership but when your customers look at the cars listed on your website they notice that the cars are a month or so old or, even worse, they call you only to find out that that dream car they were looking at sold a week ago?… read more...
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