Clare Coulson

Disruptive acquisition
Directors and boards are used to navigating post-acquisition IT roadmaps, signing off on piles of cash to standardise information systems and deliver the sought-after cost efficiencies… read more...

Fletcher Building lays foundations for success
Fletcher Building is a NZ$6.5 billion company operating with 19,000 staff in more than 40 countries, manufacturing and distributing building and construction products… read more...

iStart magazine – The social age, for better or worse | Quarter Four 2013
I’m not a speeds ‘n’ feeds person. I don’t get excited by shiny new boxes – well, not the tech sort anyway. When I first began as a technology journalist I was frankly overwhelmed by the thought of having to memorise specifications and feature sets to compare and contrast them. And then I realised, it’s not about the numbers, it’s what you do with them that counts. You have to look at the bigger picture, so in this issue we consider man and his machines… [View emag] read more...

Appealing Apps: 10 of the best for business
With more than 1000 apps being submitted to the Apple App Store each day, not to mention those created for Android, the apposphere is a fast-changing environment… read more...

Survey reveals retailers on the back foot
Motorola Retail Survey: Technology savvy shoppers know more about products than staff, forcing retailers to catch up. read more...

iStart magazine – Big Data, Big Brother | Quarter Three 2013
We are living in interesting times – times that are redefining the world we live in. Today, there is little definition between public and private; companies, governments and criminals alike exploit all they know about us to further their various capitalist, protective and nefarious agendas. [View emag] read more...

Does social media suck for B2B?
In the last few years every business has jumped on the social media bandwagon. It has fragmented marketing budgets and sucked up time and money, but to what end?… read more...

Business cases: are you setting up to fail?
Any investment has to stand up to commercial rigour, IT projects even more so given their risk profile. A weak business justification for a project can lead to poor management buy-in and ultimately an unsuccessful project… read more...

iStart magazine Issue 42 | Quarter Two 2013
Welcome back. A little piece of trivia crossed my desk last week informing me that the first website ever was published just 20 years ago – it’s hard to believe what’s happened since. The site ( has been resurrected by the scientists at CERN to “preserve some of the digital assets that are associated with the birth of the web”. It’s hardly Lest We Forget, but it is a quaint milestone…[View emag] read more...

Mind the knowledge gap – IT in the boardroom
Following a number of high-profile project train wrecks last year, iStart asks if there is enough understanding of IT at board level… read more...

iStart magazine Issue 41 | Quarter One 2013
The health of our IT sector and its projects are a recurring theme throughout this issue. Those behind New Zealand’s ailing Ministry of Education payroll system, Novopay, have lurched from one error-ridden pay cycle to the next. The project has already sucked up the $30 million budget and caused many a headache in school offices nationwide. Hardly a poster child for efficiency and money well-spent, but, perhaps, an education opportunity for how not to deliver IT…[View emag] read more...

Ditching the leather: mobile wallets here to stay?
We’ve been talking about digital wallets for years, but now they are actually here Clare Coulson takes a look at the payments landscape and asks if we will be putting away our wallets for good… read more...

Would you like an app with that?
If you’re in business then you gotta have an app, right? Well, maybe. Before you rush out and build your new mobile application you need to decide just how your new solution fits into your overall business strategy… read more...