
Financial reporting and analytics solutions
Why, when, and how to invest wisely…

From manual to modern planning processes
Making the business case…

Whitepaper: Data warehouse automation and ERP
The benefits of incorporating a data warehouse when upgrading your ERP… read more...

Tech consultancy gets single source of truth for reporting
With increasing amounts of data to report on a solution was required to simplify reporting… read more...

Building a BI strategy: Why it is important
What should you consider are the tangible business benefits that powerful reporting can provide… read more...

Whitepaper: How to futureproof your financial report builds
Make sure financial reporting doesn’t get left behind in your ERP implementation… read more...

Whitepaper: Streamline your financial year-end close
Manual processes can lead to error-prone data analysis…

Five key factors to consider when evaluating financial reporting software
So you can get a BI solution that can fully handle the complex structure of financial data… read more...

Global brewer speeds up financial reporting
Carlsberg offers 20 different brews from 25 breweries in China, with volumes of data to match… read more...

KPIs and Metrics for Finance Departments in 2020
What is a Finance Department and Manager Level KPI?… read more...

Five Excel tips for better budgeting and forecasting
It isn’t perfect, but some of the challenges of using the software have more to do with the user’s lack of expertise… read more...

Making Financial Planning a continuous and popular activity
One of the lessons learned from COVID-19 is that the old way of planning doesn’t work anymore… read more...

Jet boost for Beef + Lamb finance
For any business, accurate financial reporting provides the basis on which to make decisions and track performance over time… read more...

Whitepaper: The big secret to painless data migration
The art of making old data mesh with new data structures and integrate with new data can be a dark one, but the experts at Jet Reports believe it doesn’t have to be painful… read more...

Jet-powered: The data-driven motor company
European Motor Distributors implements Jet Enterprise for operational intelligence… read more...

Revenue boost for wholesale distributor Kinsey’s Archery
A wholesale distributor of hunting and fishing equipment, Kinsey’s Archery has served thousands of customers for over 50 years… read more...

Amnesty International embraces jet propelled reports
Amnesty International was dealing with an outdated reporting system and needed to upgrade but the results went far beyond simple reporting… read more...

Fly Buys jets in its financial reports in style
When financial reporting at Fly Buys operator Loyalty New Zealand outgrew its spreadsheet it needed to be replaced – and Jet Reports provided the answer – and the payback… read more...

Jet Reports slays the monster at Faber
At window blinds manufacturer Faber a complex report they called ‘The Monster’ took the IT manager hours to generate. Now the process takes only a few minutes… read more...