
Jonathan Cotton

Govt facial recognition

Smile! Govt facial recognition capability comes to AU

October 9, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Wring those hands, civil libertarians, Big Brother is now watching… read more...
Consumer data rights

Govt announces bold ‘universal data rights’ for all Australian consumers

October 4, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The Federal government will work with industry to create standardised APIs to make data accessible to consumers and third parties… read more...

AU-NASA ready for launch

October 3, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The Turnbull Government commits to creating a national space agency… read more...
Govt IT failures

Rumours swirl that NDIS’s $3.5m star-studded AI-project has been dumped

September 27, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Has fear of govt IT failure become self-fulfilling prophecy?… read more...
What is regtech_Deloittes

RegTech 101: What you need to know about FinTech’s buzzword du jour

September 26, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
RegTech has arrived and it’s going to solve all your compliance problems…right?… read more...
Not everyone good at using cloud

Everybody loves the cloud

September 25, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Turns out we’re just not very good at using it… read more...
PrepL eLearning program

Digital transformation hits the road

September 21, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Learners don’t need pens, paper and multiple choice options. Drive time starts with a screen… read more...
Machine replacing man

Survey finds man and machine the big concerns for AU CEOs

September 19, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
76 percent of Australian CEOs say they plan to cut staff numbers this year owing, at least in part, to automation… read more...
Queensland govt_Digital by default

Qld’s new strategy: Whole-of-government, digital-first

September 19, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Calculates potential savings of some $400 million per year just by replacing paper-based transactions… read more...
Xero data insights

Xero brings real-time data-driven insight to AU SMB economy

September 14, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The new monthly report from Xero covers cashflow, payments, employment, trading overseas and cloud adoption for SMBs… read more...
Robotic Process Automation

Five ways to botch your RPA rollout

September 13, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
A software robot army, ready and willing to do your bidding? Not quite… read more...
Cyber Insurance on increase

Cyber insurance booms as no one quite knows what they’re talking about

September 12, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
As threats from cyber criminals mount (or at least the perception of it), insurers prepare for boom times… read more...
Working remotely

Out of Office: Meet your new agile workforce

September 7, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Staying connected while working remotely has never been easier. So why are you all still in the city?… read more...
NBN network update

Network error: What’s really happening with the NBN?

September 6, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
It’s been a rocky road but the NBN rollout is starting to take shape… read more...
AI transforms business

AI on the prize: Biz leaders prepare for ‘leap of faith’

September 4, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
As AI takes hold where are the likely market opportunities?… read more...
Blockchain used same sex survey poll

Blockchain to the rescue for same-sex poll?

August 31, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
With a national same sex marriage poll – and $122 million bill – on the horizon, new scrutiny is being levelled at outdated voting systems… read more...

Preparing for what’s next in the age of Future Shock

August 30, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The ultimate DIY: Be your own futurist…
ICT procurement

ICT procurement reform welcomed by industry

August 29, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The ICT Procurement Taskforce Report – along with the government’s response – has been issued and it’s good news for SMEs… read more...
AU tech_drones

Drones, driverless cars and VR bikes

August 23, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Three pieces of emerging Aussie tech have caught our eye in recent times… read more...
hiring staff_millenials

The participation trophy myth: The real secrets to managing millennials

August 23, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Hiring staff between now and 2030? here’s what you need to know… read more...


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