Paul Budde

NBN making progress but dark clouds ahead
Seven years after the launch of the NBN over two million premises are able to connect to the NBN. But all is not well, writes Paul Budde… read more...

Society, change and challenge: Charting telecoms transformation
In a new report, respected industry analyst Paul Budde provides fascinating insights relevant to both sides of the Tasman… read more...

The future calls for 2degrees
Amid speculation that Australian telco Vocus will soon acquire New Zealand’s 2degrees, telecoms analyst Paul Budde considers why 2degrees remains unprofitable and what its options are from here… read more...

Smart cities worth $95 billion to Australian economy
Paul Budde expects cities to unlock a significant tranche of wealth by becoming ‘smart’ and using a city-as-a-service model… read more...

Australia’s first Hi-Tech Prime Minister
Telecoms analyst Paul Budde considers the ramifications of a proven technology leader in the highest office in the land – and how that may affect the NBN… read more...

NBN & UFB: getting down to the wire
The NBN and UFB projects have dominated the national and tech media headlines ever since their inception, usually due to squabbling over which technology should be used, who’s paying for what and whether progress has been fast enough. Here we take a step back and discuss the big picture for both project rollouts… read more...

Follow the fast fibre road
The internet of things may feel like it only uses wireless technology but in reality it relies on big pipes and banks of servers. Paul Budde explores what we need to do in order to arrive at the smart cities of the future… read more...

How will we power the data economy?
Subject matter expert Paul Budde explains why building the right ICT infrastructure is of national importance to the region’s future success… read more...

Political change lags behind technology revolution
The much hailed positives of smarter technology and the digital economy could be disguising a wider problem says Paul Budde… read more...

Avoiding the tech apocalypse
Paul Budde offers his thoughts on how new open ‘people technologies’ could help us to avoid a cataclysm and create a smarter society… read more...