Richard Conway

Digitoil: Three simple tips towards improved SEO
Is the world of search engine optimisation (SEO) a mysterious place populated by snake oil merchants and incomprehensible jargon? Not necessarily, says Richard Conway… read more...

Digitoil: RankBrain – Google’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm and how it impacts you
Google’s ranking algorithm currently has about 200 different signals that work in harmony to deliver great search results… read more...

Digitoil: Mobilegeddon – Were the doomsday predictions justified?
You may not have noticed it, but 21 April 2015 was ‘mobilegeddon’… read more...

Digitoil: SEO – dark art or just good marketing?
In the first instalment of our new Digitoil blog on digital marketing, subject matter expert Richard Conway begins by putting search engine optimisation in context… read more...