Aussie’s on-the-go holiday planner

Published on the 13/07/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

Is Tourism Australia’s new mobile capable tool aimed at IT savvy travellers or the advertising departments of industry big players?…

The government-owned organisation is targeting the growing iPhone user market with The Oz Planner iPhone application. Through GPS technology, it directs users to over 20,000 products and services such as accommodation, car hires, tour companies and eateries. It also has 16 suggested itineraries that can be browsed and stored in phones. The application is an extension to the online planning tool The Walkabout Planner and can be downloaded free from the Tourism Australia website.

It has been met with mixed reviews by users. Some say a lot of navigation is required for little detail that, in some cases, lacks basic contact information. Many travellers simply want to find well-priced and good food, accommodation and adventures – they’re not after information on a government department. Also, its focus on larger tourism operators might leave out some of the smaller and more intrepid options. However, others say it’s great – easier than carrying a lonely planet guide and a handy resource available anywhere, anytime.

Tourism Australia hopes its new mobile technology will help to gauge preferences of the iPhone user market. With plans also in place to release it in languages other than English.

It follows a similar application in the UK available through the Britian’s Finest website with about 4,000 listings selected by reviewers, inspectors and travel enthusiasts.

Perhaps “set menu” style itineraries are not everyone’s cup of tea but the mobile capability certainly caters to today’s demand for instant information.

The Oz Planner iphone application can be downloaded from

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