
Health & safety start-up closes inspection loop
Checkmate is a safety compliance app on a mission – actual safety… read more...

The future of work: Dynamic, adaptive and home to personal data twins
It’s the future Jim, but not as we know it… read more...

Sounding out voice commerce
Hey Alexa, can I really trust you with my shopping?… read more...

Do we need a national AI strategy?
Academics say we need a government-level plan to cope with the ramifications of AI. But are we at risk of stifling innovation?… read more...

Dynamics Inner Circle run continues for Empired and Intergen
Company continues winning run in top one percent of Microsoft Dynamics partners… read more...

Reporting season for cloud players
The winners and winners as cloud booms…

The myth of anonymised data – and data privacy
Research shows anonymised data isn’t really anonymous…

Lower costs and happier customers? Can RPA live up to its promise?
A new report on robotic process automation looks at the opportunities and shortcomings of the emerging tech… read more...

Sweeping reform recommended to reign in social giants
ACCC digital platforms inquiry report makes plenty of suggestions, but what does the Govt intend to do about them? read more...

Getting literate with data to drive business value
How can you instil data literacy in your business?… read more...

Coles stocks up for DX with Accenture deal
Professional services company to bind together Smarter Selling DX… read more...

The threats keeping IT execs up at night
Are IoT and cloud apps making your business a cyberattack target?… read more...

Global privacy regulation juggernaut rolls on
It’s an increasingly complex regulatory environment but there’s more to come, says Forrester… read more...

Paying the ransomware price
As some public sector victims give in to hackers’ demands, organisations downunder should take note… read more...

SAP talks up cloud, XM as US-China trade war bites
Cloud under close watch, while experience rules…

The forecast for database management is cloudy
But mind that DBMS Stockholm Syndrome…

Agility key in Vuca world
It’s a case of agile or irrelevant as the c-suite reboots for resilience… read more...

The perilous state of customer trust in digital services
Customers aren’t trusting business to protect their data – and they’re prepared to punish companies for failing to do so… read more...

Lost in translation: Data workers don’t trust company data
Mind that perception gap…

Intergen tops for digital marketing among Microsoft’s A/NZ partners
Gains place on annual Top 50 Microsoft Partners report… read more...