
Survey: Senior managers just don’t get tech
Think you’re digitally dexterous? Think again. Most digital workers think their CIO is out of touch with their tech needs… read more...

Top 4 takeaways from the Mary Meeker internet report
It’s Silicon Valley’s favourite slide deck, but at a whopping 294 slides, Mary Meeker’s 2018 Trend Report is well and truly death by Powerpoint. But despair not: we’ve separated the wheat from the chaff on your behalf… read more...

Touch and grow: Visa claims sales growth
Data analysis points to payment method helping increase sales for merchants… read more...

FinancialForce expands partner ecosystem with Appirio deal
ERP cloud vendor FinancialForce has announced a new sales and implementation partnership with Indianapolis-based CX company Appirio… read more...

The fight over patient data: What we can learn from the My Health Record fracas
Forget AI, Industry 4.0 and the chatbot hordes, data privacy is the tech issue of the moment. But when does the privacy imperative slip into paranoia?… read more...

We have lift off: Australia finally joins the space race
Things finally take off with the government pledging dollars and sense being pledged to the country’s space capabilities – including a $26 million space agency… read more...

The bleeding edge: Why driverless auto-tech must recover from its PR nightmare
Self-driving Ubers may be a hazard to pedestrians but the wheels are still turning for the driverless future – and that’s a good thing… read more...

Ballance Agri-Nutrients wins global innovation award
The new tech lets farmers order and manage their nutrients online, turning raw data into useful information… read more...

Too smart for our own good: Tackling the thorny issues of ethics and AI
AI keeps getting smarter and governments find themselves asking: Just where is the boundary that makes AI ethical?… read more...

Fusion5 think outside the box with Jemini
The power of nine helps bring three years of HCM software development to market… read more...

Datacom’s local govt/community engagement app goes live
Citizens can now report potholes, offer suggestions and complain at will – all digitally – thanks to Datacom’s new app… read more...

Data, privacy, transparency and trust: The Deloitte Privacy Index 2018
Deloitte’s assessment of the privacy practices of the top 100 brands reveals that consumers choose brands transparent about data… read more...

Open banking comes to Australasia: Why it matters
Fintechs are delighted – the big banks, not so much – as open banking arrives downunder… read more...

FinancialForce and Agilyx deal brings more cloud ERP down under
Agreement will add local partner to deliver financial management solutions in A/NZ… read more...

Robotics Plus signs global deal for automated apple packing tech
What seasonal worker shortage? New robotic tech may help ease agricultural labour woes… read more...

Welcome to the New Intelligence Era (courtesy of SAP)
SAP continues to target APAC with new Singapore Leonardo Centre launch. iStart was there to check it out… read more...

ServiceNow takes on next least popular department
IT service management provider has HR in its sights to extend footprint… read more...

Gartner: Blockchain “massively hyped”
Despite the hype, most CIOs have no interest in the tech, nor any plans to develop it… read more...

The end of ownership: The subs economy booms
It’s not new, but then again, it kind of is. Goodbye pay-per-product – the subscription economy has come of age… read more...

Breaking down the biggest worries of tech managers
The numbers are in: Complexity, lack of skills and lack of cloud visibility are the biggest headaches for those on the front line… read more...