
Cloud migration: Why ‘lift and shift’ is not enough
With Amazon, MS and Google all upping their enterprise cloud game, why do businesses so often fail in their great migrations?… read more...

Forthcoming public cloud boom to be owned by the few
Latest Gartner forecast predicts public cloud revenue to surge, shared among a handful of major players… read more...

Sydney’s UTS unites with industry to create IoT lab
SAS and Cisco university collaboration to get insights into IoT data overload… read more...

Manufacturing money: National Manufacturing Week hits Sydney next month
Expect glad handing, big thinking and lots of synergy at this year’s NMW… read more...

Yup, there’s a talent crunch in Australia
It’s an endless refrain from the tech industry: There’s a skills shortage, stupid! Maybe this time your boss is right… read more...

IoT and the transformation of the pharmaceutical industry
Clinical trials to manufacturing, supply chain to remote monitoring, IoT is dragging the pharma industry into the 21st century… read more...

Digi-tech provides fertile ground for developing nations
EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel says Europe is dedicated to helping Africa build a single digital market, paving the way to better jobs on the continent… read more...

SAP courts millennials with new Vic University lab
Looking to match business with academia – and do a little R&D along the way – SAP opens a Next-Gen Lab Melbourne… read more...

Is CRM the largest software market in the world?
According to Gartner it is, but it’s more about the rise of martech and CX than core CRM rollouts… read more...

Youth in revolt: Google employees protest Pentagon drone work
Brave stand or naive youth grandstanding? 3,000 Google employees say ‘no’ to military drone tech… read more...

IoT cleans up Sydney Fish Market (among other things)
Clever tech is changing the way Australasia catches, monitors and markets its seafood… read more...

‘Fitbit for machines’ receives $4.8 million in funding
Movus has secured almost $5 million in Series A funding for its sensor-equipped, machine-learning tech… read more...

iPod laws in a smartphone world: Will we ever get copyright right?
Innovation-unfriendly laws prevail as A/NZ lawmakers struggle to keep pace with technology… read more...

New Canberra Azure regions target high-security and govt data
The MS megalith continues to spread its high-specced tentacles across Australia and the globe… read more...

In the realm of the sensors: Oil and gas industry gears up for transformation
Data is the new Texas-tea as a conservative industry wakes up to the value of IoT… read more...

B2B fintech: The $216 trillion opportunity
In the latest from our ‘whoa-that’s-a-big-number’ dept, Juniper predicts boom times in burgeoning B2B payment industry… read more...

Where’s the beef (from)? China to trace Aussie beef to the plate
Australian cattle farmers may have a new inroad into the Chinese market as a new platform launches promising high tech tracking of Aussie beef from farm to chopstick… read more...

Facebook and the age of data enlightenment
With #DeleteFacebook trending, the creepiness of the social giant’s data-enabled reach is beginning to hit home… read more...

Telstra Ventures invests in remote drone tech
Operating drones over the internet? Yes please. Cape brings remote control drone tech downunder… read more...

Salesforce buys Mulesoft for US$6.5 billion
The CRM giant pays top dollar for the integration specialist in its bid to tempt new customers… read more...