
SAP’s five trends for 2016 and beyond
Five key themes of opportunity and disruption for the year ahead, says John Ruthven… read more...

Five tech trends to watch
Rapid growth in information volume and complexity is putting data centres under pressure, accentuated by customer behaviour changes driven by mobile and social trends, writes Arron Patterson… read more...

Why accounts departments shouldn’t wait to automate
For some reason, when it comes to finance and accounting, dated approaches persist, writes Todd Hunt – and he says it is time for Modern Finance… read more...

Mind the bumps on the Windows 10 upgrade journey
While early adopters will rush to implement Windows 10 as quickly as possible, most organisations will take a more sober ‘wait-and-see’ approach, writes Adam Blue… read more...

Taming the three monsters of the virtual world
The childhood monsters in the closet may be forgotten, writes Graham Schultz, but they aren’t gone. They’ve just moved from bedrooms to virtual environments… read more...

The growing challenge of travel industry email fraud
The popularity of internet travel bookings is attracting attention from cybercriminals keen to nab a share of the proceeds… read more...

Startups? Consider these four undervalued benefits of network monitoring
Regardless of business size, technology is pretty important – but how many startups pay sufficient attention to network monitoring, asks Andrew Timms… read more...

How digital consumers are changing the contact centre
What does it mean when digital consumers are as knowledgeable as your front-line contact centre agents, asks Carl Price… read more...

Towards 2020 in the ‘Age of the Customer’
As digital disruptions dissolve barriers to entry such as manufacturing strength, distribution momentum and information mastery, power has shifted. This, says Mike Lord, is the Age of the Customer… read more...

How to ease the four greatest business travel and expense pressures
The common business concerns relating to expense management can be solved through automation, says Matt Goss… read more...

When a disaster isn’t a disaster (and how to better deal with ERP implementation complexity)
Many years ago, writes Owen McCall, a contribution to a study on ERP implementation failures threw up a completely surprising response… read more...

Keep up! Business change accelerates
The speed of change has always been important in business, writes Tim Scott, with the ability to adapt (still) vital to success… read more...

The benefits of an open data approach
The rising adoption of mobile technology in the business world, says Jonathan Stern, is causing growing challenges for IT departments… read more...

Workflow: Ditch paper for the cloud
Wrangling printers and fax machines can be infuriating, making paperless workflows an appealing option, writes Dave Rouse… read more...

Darkness in the cloud: What to consider before migrating to online storage
Enterprises start enjoying their cost savings within months of their cloud adoption – but have they given sufficient thought to security, ponders Pravin Kumar C… read more...

Innovation is saying ‘no’ to old ways of managing IT
As businesses across the Asia/Pacific region name innovation as the top ICT initiative for 2015/16, Simon Piff argues that the NO in innovation is important… read more...

Creating a smarter IT service desk
IT service desks can be tough places to work, writes Branko Bugarski, but with the addition of data analysis, collaboration and a ticketless approach, things can be improved… read more...

Is email killing corporate productivity?
The daily grind is draining more than our morale – it’s also killing corporate productivity and email is the culprit, writes David Oakley… read more...

Know your ADCs and get more from the hybrid cloud
When cloud computing first appeared on corporate radar screens in the mid-2000s, it brought with it the promise of big business benefits – but, asks Benjamin Hodge, have those been realised?… read more...

Why you need more women in your design team
How much further can technology go and how much faster can we can get there if greater diversity in the workplace is encouraged, ponders ACS president Brenda Aynsley… read more...