

Intergen cloud security_Dirk Prinsloo

Data is your digital lifeblood. But who is responsible for securing it?

October 8, 2019 | Dirk Prinsloo
There’s a big misconception around security that threatens to trip up many companies moving to the cloud… read more...
Talking about Artificial Intelligence_8x8

Why it’s time to stop talking and start preparing for the AI revolution

September 18, 2019 | Brendan Maree
Even if your organisation isn’t ready to embark on a major AI initiative, it pays to be prepared says 8×8’s Brendan Maree… read more...
Data insights_Tableau

The five things that impede data culture

July 15, 2019 | Mac Bryla
So you’re onboard with data analytics; now to deal with the blockers… read more...
APIs killing your website

Excessive APIs are killing your website and app

July 2, 2019 | Will Barrera
How many API calls and microservices is too many?… read more...
Infor_manufacturing wearables Nick Castellina

Wearables finding roles in manufacturing

June 7, 2019 | Nick Castellina
Use cases being driven by real time data and mobility to enhance insights… read more...
Intuition vs Instinct_Tableau Software

Hardening our hunches

May 1, 2019 | Francois Ajenstat
Intuition often breeds innovation, but so too does data… read more...

If you think DX is about tech, you’re wrong

April 1, 2019 | Roz Gregory
Rethinking data, apps and staff choice…
Industry 4.0_Robert Sinfield_Sage

Five ways businesses can take advantage of Industry 4.0

February 25, 2019 | Robert Sinfield
From prioritising data analysis to using ERP to break down silos… read more...
Structuring data_Dion Williams soapbox

The AI data conundrum

January 28, 2019 | Dion Williams
Will the wait for large amounts of ‘clean’ data stymy your AI plans?… read more...
Augmentation_Mac Bryla_Tableau Software

Unpicking augmentation

November 6, 2018 | Mac Bryla
Human overseers still needed in a world of automation… read more...

Reskilling the older generation to finish their careers in tech

October 1, 2018 | Keiran Mott
Having no prior tech experience shouldn’t stop us reskilling older, non-tech workers… read more...
Google Search

Improving Search for the next 20 years

September 26, 2018 | Ben Gomes
Google celebrated its 20th birthday this year with the company outlining its AI and neural Search plans… read more...
Measuring perfomance with ML_Certus3

Measuring people performance with ML

September 12, 2018 | Michael Devlin
Eek!  A machine is going to tell me I’m not good enough?… read more...
CDAO_data sharing_Tableau

When blurring the lines is part of your job description

September 11, 2018 | Mac Bryla
There can be no ‘us and them’ as CDAO roles blur the lines between IT and business… read more...

SAP vs Oracle vs Microsoft Dynamics: Six ERP evaluation criteria

Selection an ERP solution is one of the most important decisions a business can make. Panorama offers up some evaluation criteria… read more...
Death of spreadsheets_Avi Troub

Spoiler alert: “Your spreadsheets are holding back your business”

July 30, 2018 | Avi Troub
With so many alternatives available today, businesses still clinging to the all too familiar spreadsheet need to jump ship if they want to dive into (and stay afloat in) the digital age… read more...
Internet of Things video data_Bjorn Skou Eilertsen

The eyes of the IoT

July 12, 2018 | Bjørn Skou Eilertsen
Machine intelligence + human judgement = an IoT video data win… read more...
Open banking

Open banking: A solution looking for a problem to solve

July 2, 2018 | Phil Kernick
Will open banking wither and die quick smart? Phil Kernick argues the case… read more...
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