

Sydney fish market IoT

IoT cleans up Sydney Fish Market (among other things)

April 11, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Clever tech is changing the way Australasia catches, monitors and markets its seafood… read more...
Movus machine learning

‘Fitbit for machines’ receives $4.8 million in funding

April 10, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Movus has secured almost $5 million in Series A funding for its sensor-equipped, machine-learning tech… read more...

iPod laws in a smartphone world: Will we ever get copyright right?

April 5, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Innovation-unfriendly laws prevail as A/NZ lawmakers struggle to keep pace with technology… read more...
Microsoft Azure_preferred govt cloud

New Canberra Azure regions target high-security and govt data

April 5, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
The MS megalith continues to spread its high-specced tentacles across Australia and the globe… read more...
oil and gas transformation

In the realm of the sensors: Oil and gas industry gears up for transformation

March 28, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Data is the new Texas-tea as a conservative industry wakes up to the value of IoT… read more...
Boom times B2B payment industry

B2B fintech: The $216 trillion opportunity

March 28, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
In the latest from our ‘whoa-that’s-a-big-number’ dept, Juniper predicts boom times in burgeoning B2B payment industry… read more...
Australian beef_Chinese market

Where’s the beef (from)? China to trace Aussie beef to the plate

March 27, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Australian cattle farmers may have a new inroad into the Chinese market as a new platform launches promising high tech tracking of Aussie beef from farm to chopstick… read more...

Facebook and the age of data enlightenment

March 27, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
With #DeleteFacebook trending, the creepiness of the social giant’s data-enabled reach is beginning to hit home… read more...
Telstra Ventures drone

Telstra Ventures invests in remote drone tech

March 22, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Operating drones over the internet? Yes please. Cape brings remote control drone tech downunder… read more...

Salesforce buys Mulesoft for US$6.5 billion

March 22, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
The CRM giant pays top dollar for the integration specialist in its bid to tempt new customers… read more...

Microsoft dominates Gartner’s BI & Analytics list

March 21, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
MS continues to outperform BI peers with slick product, great iteration and an attractive price point… read more...
myob data crunching tool

MYOB frees the data with AI-powered advisory dashboard

March 21, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
As accountants and bookkeepers wade deeper into advisor territory, MYOB looks to advise the advisors with free data crunching tool… read more...

Space downunder the final frontier

March 20, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
The Southern skies are set to be busy as governments open space for business… read more...
Paul Shetler senate inquiry

Former DTO head calls for govt independence from big vendor influence

March 16, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Former DTO boss Paul Shetler has told a Senate inquiry that the government needs to overhaul its procurement process… read more...

9 Spokes signs with BNZ to offer SME dashboard

March 15, 2018 | Newsdesk
The platform will integrate bank data and provide accounting, inventory, and payroll to SME customers… read more...
Panorama ERP Implementation report

Report: ERP implementations grow more popular, expensive and problematic

March 15, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
A new report finds that while ERP implementation numbers have surged since last year, customer expectations around costs, time and the overall human impact are way off… read more...
New approach tech_Deloittes

Reengineering tech: A new approach to IT delivery

March 15, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Deloitte offers big thinking for beleaguered CIOs looking to influence but feeling the weight of a raft of new responsibilities… read more...
Apple malware attack

Mac attack: Malware targeting Macintosh computers soars 270 percent

March 13, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Apple users aren’t looking so smug as almost undetectable malware threats to Macs go through the roof… read more...
GlobalData travel

Travel and tourism’s big tech makeover 2018

March 13, 2018 | Newsdesk
AI, IoT and Wi-Fi everywhere: How the travel industry is embracing new technology to secure a bigger slice of the tourism pie… read more...
CFO Imperatives

CFOs: Your company’s newest data specialist? Or back room bean counter?

March 13, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
It’s supposed to be a heady new high-tech world for CFOs, industry’s most transformed role. So where’s the tech?… read more...


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