Published on the 09/09/2015 | Written by MYOB

- Food and beverage
- Gain insight from business data stores
- Establish viability of new market sectors
- MYOB Greentree
- High availability of dynamic (rather than static) data
- Business insights through multiple data view
- Preparation of consolidated accounts reduced from three weeks to 10 days
- Workflow efficiency gains (reduced account preparation and reporting time)
- Identification of possibilities to guide the direction of future growth
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MYOB Greentree is EasiYo’s strategic tool to analyse business trends and discover new market opportunities…
The business situation
EasiYo is the market leader in make-it-yourself yoghurt and exports more than half its product range worldwide. This being the case, the need to garner valuable insights from geographical and demographic data and predict sales trends is vital. The faithful but outmoded CBA system was struggling with business demand for more sophisticated reporting and analysis when the decision was made to migrate to MYOB Greentree. David Granger, General Manager for EasiYo, says the incumbent system had become a bit of a barrier to growth.
Smart drilling and making sense of “odd” data
The integrated MYOB Greentree solution, provided a compelling Business Intelligence tool. David concedes that although he was confident MYOB Greentree would enable deeper analysis, he didn’t become fully aware of the tool’s real potential until he started using it for analysing all manner of company sales trends. He explains how “We are enabled now to drill-down to different levels of detail, which in the case of supermarkets sales data, can throw up anomalies which MYOB Greentree makes sense of.”
The real value of MYOB Greentree is in the dynamic as opposed to static nature of the data – it’s entirely accessible all the time.
David Granger, General Manager, EasiYo
“MYOB Greentree enables me to slice, dice and filter data to discover, for example, why there’s been a 5 percent movement up or down in a particular product category”, which may be simply because supermarket staff physically moved the product to another location or shelf height. “Furthermore, with dairy prices spiraling worldwide, the need to constantly review margins, pricing and sales trends becomes enormously important.”
MYOB Greentree helps reduce accounting overhead
The integrated environment has had a flow-on effect in terms of several tasks, such as preparing the consolidated company accounts, which used to take three weeks but now takes 10 days. Budgeting and Reporting are far less time-consuming, and the sophistication of analysis tools which requires less hands-on involvement. In fact, David says that when a senior financial accounting staff member left, a replacement wasn’t sought.
The MYOB Greentree partner difference – accurate, on time & on budget
David could not say enough about the support given by the MYOB Greentree Partner. “Our MYOB Greentree Partner has been excellent. They ensured that the scope of work was accurately worked out and the implementation was on time and on budget. What more could you ask for!”
A world of possibilities
When confronted with sales data from geographically distant consumers and the supermarket buying patterns of multiple continents, the need to make sense of it all could be all-consuming in terms of time, tools and expertise. MYOB Greentree has come together as a strategic tool for uncovering trends and anomalies, and most importantly, possibilities and opportunities. David has no doubt that the dynamic duo will continue to keep business growth live, well into the future.
Source: This article was originally sourced from MYOB
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