
14 things your CRM system could be telling you about your customer (but probably isn’t)

May 29, 2012 | Jonathan Cotton
CRM software is about as crucial as it gets when it comes to managing your sales activities. But while it may be crucial, it’s hardly sexy, and therefore it’s something of a ‘set-and-forget’ piece of tech… read more...
The allure of mobile apps

The allure of mobile apps

May 28, 2012 | iStart
And a six-step reality check you should complete before being seduced by shiny enterprise app extensions and sexy gadgets… read more...
Vaughan Rowsell

Point of Interest: Vaughan Rowsell founder of VEND

March 13, 2012 | Jonathan Cotton
How a Kiwi start-up is revolutionising the retail payment industry with a clever cloud-based POS alternative that’s rapidly going global… read more...
Eftpos terminal

Integrating POS with ERP changes face of retail

February 21, 2012 | Anthony Doesburg
If point-of-sale systems are crucial to keeping shopkeepers’ tills ringing, integration with the back office is the answer to tracking retail’s new currency, information.  iStart explores some opinions from Kiwi retail sector experts…[View as PDF] read more...
Michael Bennetts

Switched on CEO: Michael Bennetts unmasking Z

November 7, 2011 | Jonathan Cotton
Transitioning Shell from global outpost to fresh local upstart has presented some major marketing conundrums, and some tough technology challenges along the way… read more...

7 things to hate about IT recruiters

October 11, 2011 | iStart
Business forums, professional networking sites and the internet in general is awash with stories detailing just how difficult dealing with an IT recruiter can be. But is all this online odium justified? Are they really the new ‘used-car salesman’? Or are recruiters just the fall guys for frustrated job-seekers in a down-turned economy?… read more...

Switched on CEO: How tech took the V8 Supercars to international stage

October 6, 2011 | iStart
The cutting-edge tech required for modern-day V8 racing means that you’re just as likely to find computer engineers and grease-monkeys in the pit… read more...
Smart card

Smart card technology: A pocket guide

July 14, 2011 | iStart
When it comes to engaging with your customers, there’s plenty to know in the realm of card technology. So if you don’t know your ICC from your NFC, read on to find out just how smart cards can serve your businesss… read more...

The iStart Smartphone Roundup

July 14, 2011 | iStart
Thinking about buying a smartphone? Before you take the plunge check out the iStart Smartphone Roundup – it will help you navigate the pros and cons of six of the most popular units on the market, as well as important specs before you buy… read more...
Virtual desktop

The desktop goes virtual

July 12, 2011 | iStart
You may shudder at the thought, but modern enterprise architecture is slowly but surely returning to the mainframe fold, at least conceptually, and never more so than with the idea of virtual desktops – hosted in ‘the cloud’… read more...

Stop your data going rogue

July 12, 2011 | David McNickel
Every digital transaction you do generates data, and chances are that data is being stored. Mobile apps, web transactions, loyalty schemes & more provide a wealth of potential information resources. But with so much data being collected, how do you stop it becoming a rogue elephant and actually apply it to inform your business?… read more...
Cloud resilience at what price

Cloud resilience at what price?

July 11, 2011 | Chris Bell
What factors should businesses consider, and what questions should they ask prospective providers, to ensure their operations and their business critical data stay safe in the cloud?… read more...
Shared services costs

Shared services cost is the bottom line

May 25, 2011 | iStart
Can lessons from the UK government shared services experience be applied to New Zealand’s public sector? A UK expert in implementing shared desktop services in govtt recently visited these shores to meet with key customers and industry leaders… read more...

How to build mobile apps – tips and pitfalls from the experts

May 10, 2011 | Belinda Simcox
The move from the desktop internet computing of the 90s to the new era of mobile internet is happening with unprecedented velocity – eight times as fast as the PC web was adopted… read more...
The customer is king

The customer is king

May 7, 2011 | Jess Maria
In a world spoiled for choice, customer service sorts the good from the great and has become the differentiator that matters most and these days, there’s no hiding behind the fob off… read more...
4G mobile of the future

TV spectrums open up to allow blistering 4G

December 21, 2010 | Nigel Horrocks
TV is moving from analogue to digital and that means blistering broadband speeds are on their way even in the rural sector along with exciting possibilities for business. It’s not just the mobile companies who see their future resting on 4G. some of the biggest global technology players see it as part of the next battle for dominance… read more...
Sales Operations Planning

ERP must follow strategy & process if sales and operations planning to improve

December 21, 2010 | Anthony Doesburg
In the absence of a crystal ball, the next best thing to tighten your supply chain is robust S&O planning, but is your environment right?… read more...
Business communications will be the next cloud

Business Communications will be the next cloud wave

December 21, 2010 | Brendan Maree
An expert in business communication solutions reveals that cloud service delivery has become more than a novel new way to deploy applications. He says it’s bringing huge value, ending the days of long deployment cycles, huge investments, and costly support contracts… read more...
Luke Howard-Willis

Ten tips for winning online: Luke Howard-Willis, Torpedo 7

December 20, 2010 | Nigel Horrocks
A Hamilton mountain bike rider turned his sporting interest into a multi-million online venture, not just in New Zealand, but in Australia which now accounts for at least 50% of the income. Buoyed by his proven flair for success, he has expanded into other online ventures… read more...
HR Cloud systems

HR systems shift to the cloud

October 12, 2010 | Ulrika Hedquist
With people wanting access to information anytime and anywhere, web-based HR systems are proving to be the way to go. Ulrika Hedquist finds moving to the cloud affords a flexible and cost-effective solution… read more...
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