Heather Wright

Cyber stocktakes, a cybersecurity minister and another data breach
Australia calls for greater govt involvement in cybersecurity, NZ govt cops another big data breach… read more...

Voice data going unheard in business
We’ve got the recordings, now what can we do with them?… read more...

Rise of the cobot
Enter the manufacturer’s new friend…

The curious case of the Huawei ‘ban’
Microsoft and 70+ companies granted licenses to trade…

NZ completes first stage of fibre rollout
A tale of two countries and their broadband efforts… read more...

Businesses clamouring for AI
No scepticism despite AI hype and executive angst…

Cloud’s next iteration: Serverless
Moving to higher order services to reap the cloud gains… read more...

Telstra calls for govt help to combat 5G scare campaign
Where’s the truth in the wireless apocalypse claims?…

A/NZ financial software provider sold
UK’s Access Group eyes Australasian market entry on back of deal… read more...

Facebook goes fintech with new Pay offering
Because why not give them access to your financial data?… read more...

Digital oligarchs deny responsibility for harm
NZ Privacy Commissioner says duty of care flouted by US social media firms… read more...

No cloud is created equal
Report highlights notable performance variations between public cloud providers… read more...

Is workforce transformation the catalyst for digital success?
It’s not a question of either/or as workforce and digital transformation entwine… read more...

Which cities are tops for launching a tech startup?
It’s a fail for one A/NZ city in the latest study on the startup success… read more...

The rise of smart robots for smart business
It won’t happen overnight, but smart contracting, autonomous receivables, e-audit and AI-driven bots-as-a-service will happen… read more...

Google Street View goes underwater
From search and rescue to building better ports and making mining safer… read more...

Not-for-profits feeling the DX pain
Infoxchange report highlights the manual process pain the sector faces meeting stakeholder demands… read more...

Australia hits ‘take-down’ rankings
Makes top 20 list requesting platforms remove content, NZ not so bothered… read more...

Winning at RPA
A matter of using robots and human intelligence when the hat fits… read more...

Local businesses spending up large on (some) tech
While others fall by the roadside…