Heather Wright

Smart City 3.0: Are we ready?
From city smarts to integrated city-building-vehicle smarts…

Empired’s Intergen scoops up multimillion Kiwi govt win
Intergen to help DIA ‘reimagine’ Kiwi access to govt services… read more...

ACCC takes aim at Trivago – and search algorithms
‘Growing concerns’ about price comparison sites and search algorithms… read more...

Data science for the people
You don’t need a PhD to discover the value of data… read more...

Logistics gets smarter with IoT
But traffic lights… that’s another story

Are you really getting your collaboration tools right?
Employee engagement: Is there an app for that?…

Congratulations… it’s a (digital) twin
Digital twins are allowing companies to be bold with a virtual world… read more...

Mapping a road to saving cash
Esri user conference demonstrates the value that a simple map can deliver… read more...

Right info, right channel = happy B2B customer
Gartner’s latest research into B2B buyer behaviour highlights nearly unnavigable info overload… read more...

The changing face of HR
Forget robots stealing jobs, technology is changing the face of HR… read more...

Money, money, money: Cashing in on e-commerce
But how can A/NZ companies compete in the growth market?… read more...

AI caramba: Opening AI’s ‘black box’
Trust is a must with all technology, but will AI legislation stymie innovation?… read more...

Industry 4.0 ‘revolution’ yet to fire up?
Is there a disconnect between IT ambitions and industry reality?… read more...

DX stalling? Blame it on your culture and cybersecurity
It’s not about the technology – unless it’s security, that is… read more...

Data Literacy: Finding information in the data
Just as we had to become digitally literate, now the onus is on to become data literate… read more...

Agility, the workplace of the future and UCaaS
As unified comms-as-a-service grows, it’s embracing all today’s key catch cries… read more...

Leadership and operations stymieing DX success
Capgemini survey shows change management still a major constraint… read more...

Australians demand data control and government action
Get ready for backlash against data free-for-all…

Microsoft: It’s time to regulate facial recognition
Because tech companies just can’t be trusted to do it right… read more...

The art of (business) storytelling
CFOs must pick up where CIOs have failed…