
Jonathan Cotton

Too many comms apps in workplace

Smart communication or app overload? The new workplace comm problem

March 8, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
When it comes to the myriad things “costing billions to the average business”, here’s something else to add to the list: Too many comm apps… read more...
CEO optomistic_PwC survey

The age of anxiety: PwC’s maps Australian CEO unease

March 7, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
PwC’s 21st CEO Survey takes a look inside the mind of chief executives to reveal a world of optimism – and a fair dose of anxiety – as CEOs struggle with intelligence tech and tax reform… read more...
Data security legislation_Pronto software

As new security regulation rolls on, business battens down the hatches

March 6, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
With last month’s rollout of new data breach disclosure laws coming into effect, Australian industry takes a fresh look at its security status – and liability… read more...
Aussie data illiteracy

Data illiteracy plagues Australian workforce

March 6, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
What will it take for industry to actually realise its analytics potential?… read more...
Predictable disruption_Accenture

Predictable disruption: How to expect the unexpected

March 5, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Disruption is, by its very nature, unpredictable, right? Well, not so fast. According to Accenture, that ain’t necessarily so… read more...
Why digital strategies fail

How not to suck at digital transformation

March 2, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Why do the best laid digital plans of so many companies go awry? Research company McKinsey offers its two cents… read more...
World fintech report

World FinTech Report: Big or small, collaborate or perish

March 1, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
While fintechs and legacy players battle over customers, they might just be missing the real opportunity: cooperation… read more...

Is Facebook and Google’s free ride over? ACCC prepares to get tough

February 28, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Australia’s competition watchdog is taking a long hard look at how digital platforms – and the companies that dominate them – are affecting society… read more...
Myriota Commercial Satellite Imaging

Space tech brings IoT anywhere one step closer

February 23, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
As IoT and this hemisphere’s space capabilities mature, satellite comms company Myriota hopes to cash in… read more...
Instant payments at Aussie banks

New instant-payment platform hits Australia

February 22, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
In an industry well overdue for some innovation, a new payment platform promises near-instant payments and huge innovations for the fin-tech sector… read more...

Heartland ERP provider ups ante on back of customer goodwill

February 21, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
It’s strange to hear a technology company talk about customer service as enthusiastically as they talk about product innovation… read more...
Open banking live Aussie

Open Banking goes live in Australia soon

February 20, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Consumer financial data rights is the new contested space in tech as the government pries open the big four banks’ data vaults… read more...
Peer-to-peer delivery

Union pushes for regulation of peer-to-peer delivery platforms

February 15, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
With the Transport Workers Union calling for a crack down on in the gig economy, is it the best – or worst of times – to be an independent contractor?… read more...
Aussie digital service disaster

How to fix the govt’s digital service disaster?

February 13, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Submissions are in for the Senate inquiry into the wreckage that is Australia’s digital service delivery… read more...
IoT security impact_Forrester

Introducing your exciting new security headache: IoT

February 7, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
When it comes to the world of IoT, what you don’t know can hurt you… read more...
Future of australia

Strategy, 2030: Australia’s plan for prosperity through innovation

February 7, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
A new report looks to map Australia’s future competition in the $1.6 trillion global innovation race… read more...
Data centric organisations

Data-centric culture and the democratisation of BI

February 1, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
Nebulous though the term may be, the benefits of a ‘data-centric culture’ are manifold. But just how do businesses empower their data-savvy workers?… read more...

Robots are here to manage your money. But should they?

January 31, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
The rise of the roboadvisor is upon us and they’re coming for your assets (or the management thereof at least)… read more...
2017 Cybercrime recap

By the numbers: Cybercrime in 2017

January 30, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
What happened, what’s coming next and what you can do about it… read more...
Deloitte Industry 4.0 report

Don’t panic: Here comes ‘Industry 4.0’

January 30, 2018 | Jonathan Cotton
We’re on the cusp of a new technological revolution and we’re woefully unprepared, says Deloitte. But that’s okay… read more...


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