
Jonathan Cotton

Australian digital debacles

AU govt’s IT failures to go under the microscope

August 21, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Can another inquiry into govt’s multiple digital debacles actually fix anything?… read more...
Optimizely offers retail amazon lifeline

Optimizely hits AU shores just in time for retail armageddon

August 17, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Can the software help AU business survive ‘the Amazon effect’?… read more...
Morris Miselowski

Crystal ball time: iStart talks with a futurist

August 17, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
How AI, Blockchain and even those damn chatbots are going to shape the future… read more...
Company culture

On 500 Startups, Google, diversity and tech culture

August 16, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Unconscious bias maybe, but true value lies in a diversity of ideology not collective indignation… read more...
ZipMoney_internet pos payment

Westpac takes $40m step into internet POS payment market

August 10, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
AU startup gets the nod from fintech-friendly banking giant… read more...
Australia_bribery and corruption

Bad reputation: Getting honest about AU’s image crisis

August 10, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Why Australia’s slipping corruption reputation is both challenge and opportunity… read more...
Future AI_manufacturing

The smart future of manufacturing

August 9, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Artificial Intelligence and the production floor revolution…
Automation replacing workers

Employee anxiety in the age of automation

August 3, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Automation likely to be next decade’s major labour market disruptor… read more...

Hitting hype cycle peak, the world prepares itself for blockchain or bust

August 1, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
New research highlights distributed ledger tech’s rise to ‘next big thing’ status, even though it’s generally poorly understood… read more...
Office messaging tools

Attention Slackers: Don’t expect privacy around the digital watercooler

July 27, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Report charts rise of office messaging tools, reveals troubling privacy assumptions… read more...
IT dept says NO to digital

Shock, horror, IT dept says NO to transformation

July 26, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Survey shows employee buy-in the biggest roadblock to digital success… read more...
SEEK IT sector data

ICT sector struggling to put bums in seats

July 25, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
The latest review of SEEK data shows boomtime in the tech sector… read more...
Breach of privacy

Australians, Kiwis wary about sharing data…and no wonder

July 20, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
With continual high-profile data breaches, people are rightfully selective about info sharing… read more...
NBN tax

Who’s going to pay for the NBN?

July 20, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Checking in on the slow-motion rollout…(spoiler alert: It’s you) read more...
Chatbots survey

Chatbots: The cheap way to irritate your customers

July 14, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
How much does a chatbot for your site cost? More than you might think… read more...
Accounting Standard IFRS15

Good news, everyone! Your tax just got harder

July 13, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Eliminating ‘unfettered averaging’ one of the goals of new accounting standards… read more...
amazon shopping model

‘Act now’ to counter Amazon invasion

July 12, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Report confirms what retailers already know…
Sexual harassment

Silicon Valley’s sexual harassment epidemic

July 11, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
We chew over the recent wave of sexual harassment complaints coming out of the centre of the tech universe… read more...
457 visa backdown

Employers rejoice on 457 backdown

July 6, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Employers and immigrants likely enthused with government visa-scheme turnaround. Middle-aged ICT specialists? Maybe not so much… read more...
Australain defence_cyberwarfare

Battlefield internet: AU joins fight for online hearts and minds

July 5, 2017 | Jonathan Cotton
Business, government, civil libertarians and advertisers in battle for online space… read more...


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