

Jonathan Cotton

PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey 2020

CEO pessimism reaches record high

January 29, 2020 | Jonathan Cotton
PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey 2020 reveals that more than half of all CEOs believe global GDP growth will decline… read more...
Microsoft carbon negativity 2030

Microsoft vows carbon negativity by 2030

January 22, 2020 | Jonathan Cotton
Supply chains face scrutiny as Microsoft goes carbon neutral – and then some – in a decade… read more...
Toshiba miracle algorithm

Toshiba hypes new miracle algorithm

January 21, 2020 | Jonathan Cotton
‘Simulated bifurcation algorithm’ could revolutionise logistics, finance, and even drug development, says tech multinational… read more...
AI at work_Oracle report

Most workers would prefer a robot manager

December 20, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Forget the fear-mongering about AI taking over. Most of us would prefer to be managed by the algorithms… read more...
ACCC inquiry tech giants

Govt puts social media giants on notice

December 18, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
ACCC digital recommendations for social, privacy and media endorsed by Govt… read more...
Allblacks_Statistical modelling

Behind the All Black’s new AI-powered video analytics

December 12, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Statistical modeling meets machine learning meets Kiwi know-how…
SAP gun buyback data breach

SAP fronts up for NZ’s gun buyback data breach

December 11, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Software giant SAP has ‘unreservedly’ apologised for unapproved changes that lead to the data leak… read more...
KPMG Origins_Supply chain offering_

KPMG launches new supply chain offering

December 5, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
KPMG launches its own blockchain ‘track and trace’ platform to an increasingly competitive market… read more...
Unhappy workers worldwide

NZ/AU tech workers much unhappier than the global average

December 4, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
A happy workplace is a productive workplace. So why is everyone in tech so miserable?… read more...
VIrtual reality_Pwc report

PwC says VR’s going to be huge but seeing is believing

November 27, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
You’ve heard it before, now hear it again: VR and AR are going to revolutionise everything. But when?… read more...
Australian customer service - poor

Forrester report: Australian CX less terrible but still bad

November 27, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Great customer experiences are often key to business profitability. So why doesn’t Australia seem to get that?… read more...
Drones gone bad

When good drones go bad

November 21, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
As UAV tech and risks proliferate the counter-drone market is booming… read more...
Google leaked document

Tired of leaks, Google scales back its Friday meetings, says leaked document

November 20, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Beset by scandals, leaks and employee discontent, Google scales back the transparency… read more...
The future of blockchain

The real future of blockchain, no BS

November 18, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Juniper looks to have the final word (for today at least) on the future of blockchain tech… read more...
Australian Tech guru GTI visa

Govt starts headhunting tech migrants

November 14, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Australia puts visa bait out for tech gurus, but will they bite?… read more...
AU govt facial recognition_against human rights

Is it time for human rights to be digitised?

November 7, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Privacy, transparency, ethics: What protects the population from scary government tech?… read more...
Airtree tech startup funds

Airtree brings superfunds, cash to downunder tech startups

October 31, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
AirTree Ventures has secured $275m to ‘double down’ on early stage Kiwi and Australian technology startups… read more...
Australia digital identity TrustID

The fight for AU’s digital ID

October 30, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
You snooze, you lose: New ID framework looks set to eclipse MyGov… read more...
Adapt Australian Productivity 2019

What’s inhibiting Australia’s global competitiveness?

October 23, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Australia’s in decline in global economic rankings, so what are we going to do about it?… read more...
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