
Telstra shareholders green light NBN handover
Telstra shareholders have overwhelmingly voted to hand over the company’s fixed line network to the National Broadband Network in an $11 billion deal… read more...

Australian business leaders unwilling to embrace technology
Even though most agree that technological innovation will be the greatest agent of change for their organisation over the next 10 years, fear of the unknown is keeping executives from embracing it, says two new research studies looking at the attitudes of Australian decision makers… read more...

Want to generate B2B leads from Twitter? Get your prospects to follow you
There is no doubting Twitter’s massive growth worldwide. Almost everyone knows of Twitter, millions use it, and thousands are hopelessly addicted to it… read more...
Infor announces new apps for; Salesforce buys in
Software vendors Infor and have revealed plans to release three new applications for, integrating Infor’s ERP solutions into the cloud platform… read more...

Apple defeats Samsung in European court
Apple has achieved a decisive victory in the ongoing patent war with Samsung with a Dutch judge banning the sale of three Samsung devices from mid-October onwards… read more...

MYOB sold to US firm
The bidding war over MYOB has ended with the accounting software giant being sold to US private equity firm Bain Capital for a reported $A1.2 billion… read more...

Free iPhone app maps out your nearest taxi
A new smartphone application connects taxi drivers directly with passengers in real-time by broadcasting a passenger’s location to taxi drivers via a smartphone’s GPS… read more...

Business Intelligence: at the forefront of business investment
As last issue’s iStart 2011 Investment Intentions Survey clearly showed, Business Intelligence has become the ‘must-have’ application of the moment… read more...

5 email tips to boost personal productivity
If you or your team are not managing email effectively, they are not managing their time effectively. Office productivity expert Debbie Mayo-Smith has provided iStart with a few ‘freasy’ tips to get on top of the email overload… read more...

The web is critical. The web team is not.
Most organisations consider their website to be critical, yet web teams rarely have respect, power or resources. Here’s how to change that… read more...

Google+ unleashes the spam
Google+’s first snafu sees beta users plagued with spam… read more...

NATO server hacked, files now online
Servers belonging to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) have been breached again, this time with some 2,646 files from the server posted online as proof of the exploit… read more...

Microsoft Launches Office 365: full iStart review
Microsoft has announced the general availability of Microsoft Office 365, the company’s newest cloud service, in Australia and New Zealand… read more...
The Pope sends first Tweet
Leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has broadcast his first Twitter message, praising Christ and informing the faithful that the Vatican’s new news site has been launched… read more...

Something to shout about: researchers developing the sound-powered mobile phone
New technology that turns sound waves into electricity is being used to develop mobile phones that charge themselves using the sound of the human voice… read more...

India to issue 1.2 billion biometric cards
In an attempt to bring the nations census data into the 21st century, India, home to 1.2 billion people, has outlined plans to begin issuing state-of-the-art biometric IDs to its citizens… read more...

IBM pitches ‘smart city’ software to govt
IBM is pushing its new software architecture as it tries to convince Australia’s State and Federal Governments to ‘go smart’… read more...

Fairfax to sell TradeMe?
Reports suggest that Australian media giant Fairfax is currently reviewing the status of New Zealand online auction site TradeMe and may sell the asset… read more...

eBay acquires Magento – looks to create “global commerce operating system”
eBay Inc. today announced that it has agreed to acquire Magento Inc., the creator of a leading open source ecommerce platform… read more...

MS McKinsey report: The web is a job creator, not killer
A new report once and for all dispels the myth that the World Wide Web is destroyer of jobs… read more...