
WiFi 6: Faster internet, and a big boost for IoT?
And no you didn’t miss 1-5, it’s just 802.11 was feeling uncool… read more...

You’ll be hearing from my IT guy
Forget the courtroom, I’ll see you in the cloud… read more...

WhereScape converts success to cash
Kiwi-made solution to join Idera’s data stable…

Not enough technology a key factor in stagnant productivity
A/NZ businesses warned to step up their game…

Australian Govt to scrap innovation patent
Bill seeks to phase out Australia’s second-tier innovation patent system… read more...

$50m up for grabs as govt pushes SME manufacturing tech
Industry 4.0 push opens up funding pipeline for manufacturing businesses… read more...

Platform providers take aim at ACCC digital inquiry
And ACCC fires back…

Huawei calls Trump’s bluff, offers 5G tech for sale
But who would buy?…

Australia’s digital future has scientists worried
Urgency needed to improve synergy between innovators, universities and the market… read more...

Smart cities and agribusiness driving IoT uptake downunder
Big IoT spend is on track for farming and ultra-connected cities… read more...

Are cyber-insurers fuelling ransomware?
The maths of extortion…

Call for more oversight of big cloud providers
‘Systemically important’ cloud providers lack oversight in financial markets… read more...

Gartner’s emerging tech hype: From Edge AI to flying cars
Classical gives way to postclassical in latest hype cycle… read more...

Taking robots to the water for on-demand autonomous infrastructure
AI powered robotic boats hit the water – and create bridges… read more...

Open sourcing AI
As AI moves increasingly open source, what does it mean for regulators?… read more...

Gig economy study: People hate being managed by algorithms
A study of Uber drivers in New York and London finds worker resentment and frustration with the company’s management-by-app approach to HR… read more...

Cybersecurity: The topic boards still don’t want to think about
Perception vs reality in the world of cybersecurity…

Just like Google Earth…only better?
Using satellites, crowdsourced drone imagery and the blockchain, a new startup is looking to offer a high-res Google Earth alternative… read more...

Huawei finds new ways to survive US bans
If you can’t access global standard platforms, create your own… read more...

Email engagement surges…thanks to the GDPR?
IBM spinoff Acoustic says email engagement is on the rise, with email opens and CTRs increasing everywhere… read more...