

Consumer Data Right project_energy

AU energy consumer data to be opened by 2020

March 8, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
ACCC turns its focus to the energy industry…
Australia 5G vs NZ race

Kiwis lag behind Aussies with 5G

March 8, 2019 | Pat Pilcher
Australia ranked as a ‘leader’ in 5G, New Zealand yet to allocate spectrum… read more...
Rob Keith Salesforce Ventures Australia

Salesforce pumps A$70m into Aus ecosystem, shuns Kiwis

March 8, 2019 | Heather Wright
Australian fund misses a trick with parochial play…
Consumer ambivalence data sharing reality

Consumer ambivalence to data sharing reality

March 7, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Everyone gets the logic: More shared user data, cooler toys. So why are people so weird about privacy?… read more...
Digital ID_McKinsey report

Digital ID unlocks ‘real economic gains’

March 7, 2019 | Heather Wright
But the risk remains for schemes to be abused… read more...
Empired SaaS solution Ministry of Children

Empired signs up 4,500 NZ Govt users

March 7, 2019 | Heather Wright
Eyes 1.8m user Australian public sector market opportunity…
Timothy Kasbe_Zoho

Zoho ramps up A/NZ push

March 1, 2019 | Heather Wright
Opens offices and data centres across A/NZ…
AU_NZ joint productivity commission report

Inside the joint A/NZ Productivity Commission report

February 28, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
We’ve got a trans-Tasman framework for e-invoicing and the opportunities to cooperate – and prosper – are myriad, says report… read more...
Westpac report_challenges startup growth

Govt, capital and skills hindering Aussie innovation and growth

February 26, 2019 | Heather Wright
Westpac report lays down challenge for start-up growth…
DTA investigates blockchain

DTA takes aim at blockchain

February 26, 2019 | Pat Pilcher
To blockchain or not to blockchain?…
Mobile World Congress 2019

Five key themes from Mobile World Congress 2019

February 25, 2019 | Pat Pilcher
Faster, bigger and smarter at #MWC2019…
NBN effects Telstra profits

Telstra feels the NBN burn

February 22, 2019 | Pat Pilcher
We reflect on the tortured history, and compare the NZ experience… read more...
GRDC AgriTech GrainInnovate fund

Grain goes high tech with big Aussie VC fund

February 22, 2019 | Heather Wright
A$50m fund on lookout for innovative tech startups…
Australian Encryption Act police powers extended

Australia’s encryption laws: What’s the impact?

February 22, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Companies ‘losing revenue, losing global customers’…
Linkedin_blind recruitment

LinkedIn goes to the dogs

February 20, 2019 | Heather Wright
Can doggie pics save us from hiring bias?…
Augmented analytics_Gartner magic quadrant

BI buyers seeking more magic says Gartner

February 20, 2019 | Heather Wright
Magic Quadrant predicts augmented analytics will be key driver… read more...
Increase spend in the cloud_IDC

IDC highlights big investment needed for cloud migration

February 19, 2019 | Jonathan Cotton
Australian cloud services market tracking to jump 150 percent over 2017-22. Why?… read more...
Federal govt data breaches

Federal parliament hacked, data breaches up

February 14, 2019 | Pat Pilcher
Foreign governments implied in attempted breach…
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