
Humans + bots a CX winner says MIT report
Tangible results being seen as customer ‘intimacy’ drives A/NZ AI adoption… read more...

Infosys announces Aussie growth plans
Three ‘Innovation Hubs’, 1,200 new staff and buddying up to academia… read more...

Insite AI adds silicon smarts to retail
Kiwi can-do to save retailers big bucks…

Future of work: A/NZ leaders starkly unprepared
Oceania leaders see less disruption ahead than other APAC countries… read more...

Biometric ID tech’s growing acceptance
The consumerisation of biometrics is seeing the selfie elevated to trusted identity authenticator… read more...

Amazon’s Aussie U-Turn
Backdown on Geo-block conveniently timed for Xmas?..

Are e-retailers too complacent about Christmas?
Judging by the buoyant mood you could be forgiven for thinking Amazon’s retail revolution has been called off. But not so fast… read more...

Workday snapping at Oracle and SAP’s heels
Company starts talking up its ERP credentials…

Excuse me: IoT in the bathroom
The results are in, and the benefits go beyond water efficiency… read more...

Is it time for an IoT crack down?
Security vendors will always find something to make us paranoid, but for IoT, some sort of policy framework is surely the order of the day… read more...

TIBCO brings AI to BI
Acronyms abound!..

Why does the Taxi Service Commission need your metadata?
80 organisations make metadata requests, but is that a concern?.. read more...

NBN or else – ADSL broadband shut-down peaks
NBN’s way or the highway?..

Rocket Lab reaches for the stars
Successful commercial launch is the ultimate combination of technology and business… read more...

Below and beyond: The underground drones are coming
Drone technology is rapidly taking off – but there’s action happening closer to ground… read more...

Alibaba’s massive numbers highlight growth op for A/NZ business
It’s not just fancy numbers for a foreign company… read more...

You have the right to remain private
Inside Australia’s ambitious consumer data standard…

ACCC warns against protecting NBN from 5G competition
NBN must stand on its own two feet…

Taking intelligence to the edge
A/NZ companies step up to the edge as IoT takes hold… read more...

Aussie banking open for digital with #2 rank
With Aussie banking’s little brother (NZ) sitting in fourth… read more...