
Smart City 3.0: Are we ready?
From city smarts to integrated city-building-vehicle smarts…

Govt serious about creating the ‘Google Maps’ of satellite imagery
Australia has got big plans to harness the power of satellite tech. But first: how to handle the data deluge?… read more...

Australia’s infosec stripes: Ours to lose
There are a few bad habits that need to be addressed before AU can be proud of its infosec… read more...

Empired’s Intergen scoops up multimillion Kiwi govt win
Intergen to help DIA ‘reimagine’ Kiwi access to govt services… read more...

Xero Open API hooks into banks
Faster, quicker and easier says Xero…

Australia, meet blockchain-enabled ‘smart contracts’
All aboard the hype train, the great Australian blockchain experiment is underway… read more...

Speech, smarts & Bots – Gartner’s 2018 hype cycle
Smart Bots, whatever next?…

ACCC takes aim at Trivago – and search algorithms
‘Growing concerns’ about price comparison sites and search algorithms… read more...

TIBCO Now kicks off with news aplenty
IoT, Machine Learning, The Cloud… I need a cup of tea and rest… read more...

They have ways of making us talk
Five Eyes talks tough on encryption (or non-encryption) rules… read more...

Data science for the people
You don’t need a PhD to discover the value of data… read more...

Know your frenemy: 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey
The latest from PWC shows employees, customers or suppliers biggest economic crime threat. Yikes… read more...

Logistics gets smarter with IoT
But traffic lights… that’s another story

Self-driving dreamers
What needs to happen before it happens…

Are you really getting your collaboration tools right?
Employee engagement: Is there an app for that?…

Congratulations… it’s a (digital) twin
Digital twins are allowing companies to be bold with a virtual world… read more...

The cameras are getting smarter
Facial recognition opens an ethical dilemma…

Govt pushes anti-encryption legislation
New Aussie draft legislation proposes sweeping powers to intercept communication linked to illegal activity – ramifications be damned… read more...

Forget the chatbots, ‘virtual assistants’ are taking over now
The psychological and technological come together in the race for CX AI supremacy… read more...

AI and ML transforming supply chain management
Changes are driving further demand for human workers with a digital engineer’s skill set… read more...