
Mapping a road to saving cash
Esri user conference demonstrates the value that a simple map can deliver… read more...

Back to the future: The power of predictive analytics
Who needs a crystal ball when you’ve got a better mouse-trap?… read more...

Help wanted: National digital leaders apply within
The government has its fair share of challenges when it comes to digital and data – and finding competent leaders is one of them… read more...

Right info, right channel = happy B2B customer
Gartner’s latest research into B2B buyer behaviour highlights nearly unnavigable info overload… read more...

The changing face of HR
Forget robots stealing jobs, technology is changing the face of HR… read more...

Atlassian, Govt to create ‘AU’s Silicon Valley’ in Sydney CBD
There’s always new Silicon Valley’s being built, but with the backing of Atlassian and the state, Sydney’s new innovation precinct may be the real deal… read more...

Access to dead people’s data under examination
It’s trickier than it sounds…

Money, money, money: Cashing in on e-commerce
But how can A/NZ companies compete in the growth market?… read more...

AI caramba: Opening AI’s ‘black box’
Trust is a must with all technology, but will AI legislation stymie innovation?… read more...

Censorship be damned: Google & Co go for China
Open internetter’s outrage won’t stem FAANGs wanting a piece of the PRC… read more...

3D printing gets the industrial treatment
3D printing is here, it’s awesome, and it’s going to revolutionise manufacturing… read more...

Fortnite launches Android attack
Local game industry looks on in awe, announces stellar predictions… read more...

Huawei takes bite out of trillion dollar Apple
Being a trillion dollar company doesn’t make you top dog… read more...

A shining beacon of e-govt on the world stage?
The results are in and, counter to practically everyone’s expectations, Australia has received a big thumbs up for e-govt from the UN… read more...

Microsoft’s cloud business grows like topsy
Azure almost doubles revenue in hot cloud market…

Industry 4.0 ‘revolution’ yet to fire up?
Is there a disconnect between IT ambitions and industry reality?… read more...

No data-sharing please, we’re Australian
The government may be guaranteeing free and easy access to consumer financial data, but it’s a “thanks but no thanks” from customers… read more...

DX stalling? Blame it on your culture and cybersecurity
It’s not about the technology – unless it’s security, that is… read more...

Data Literacy: Finding information in the data
Just as we had to become digitally literate, now the onus is on to become data literate… read more...

Facebook maths: fake news + privacy breaches = $110b gone
Does Facebook’s dramatic share value slump simply reflect the numbers or are deeper trust and confidence issues at play?… read more...