
Worldwide BI to hit US$16.9 billion in 2016
Especially solid growth for analytics in ANZ in otherwise tepid IT market… read more...

Goodbye Koorb with latest Fusion5 acquisition
The wave of consolidation of trans-Tasman enterprise solution providers continues apace as Fusion5 snaps up the remnants of Koorb… read more...

Security blanky makes way for quilt
Enterprises need to rethink blanket rules regarding access to corporate information systems, and instead take more of a “patchwork quilt” approach according to a former FBI agent… read more...

Data proves as important as financial capital
Data is a form of capital on par with financial capital, even though it can’t yet be shown on a balance sheet, according to Paul Sonderegger, big data strategist for Oracle… read more...

Bulletproof to acquire Cloud House
NZ AWS partner snapped up by Australian cloud service provider… read more...

Cloudy with a chance of big bucks
Demand for public cloud continues to soar and spending will reach more than AU$5.5 billion in Australia as enterprises grow comfortable with the notion of a third party running their information systems… read more...

Telstra invests more in cloud strategy
Telstra is putting more of its money where its mouth is to grow its Network Application and Services business and share of the cloud market with a couple of strategic investments this month… read more...

SAP enterprise omnichannel software available as a service (but not yet in ANZ)
A new agreement between systems integrator Dimension Data and SAP makes the vendor’s Hybris Commerce available on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) basis for the first time in APAC… read more...

Prepare for a cashless future
Australians are ready, willing and able to swap ready cash for a digital alternative – and retailers had better prepare their infrastructure for the switch… read more...

Smartphones and women are underused resources
Deloitte has released its technology predictions for 2016 – and perhaps most startling is the way that smartphones are being used, but women aren’t… read more...

Five trends which will revolutionise customer experience
Interactive Intelligence shares its predictions for the five trends set to disrupt customer service… read more...

TechnologyOne launches latest cloud, built for scale
Trialled with early adopters since 2015, listed Australian software and services business TechnologyOne has launched the fifth incarnation of its cloud platform which has been primed for scale… read more...

Execs and boards must hold nerve on digital
Australian corporate board members and senior executives should hold their nerve in spite of the rocky start to 2016 and focus on continued digitization of their businesses… read more...

Despite ‘shocking’ state of global information security, it’s business as usual
Just 45 percent of organisations confident in security posture; attackers launching ‘more sophisticated, bold and resilient campaigns’… read more...

Unit4 ups ante for ‘people-centric’ ERP
Netherlands based ERP provider Unit4 is stepping up activities in Australia and New Zealand, just as it announces an integration with online messaging app Slack… read more...

Worldwide IT spending to grow – but only just
Just how much will the tech-crazy world blow on IT in 2016? Around US$3.54 trillion… read more...

IT professionals face daunting security KPI
IT professionals need to prepare for a new KPI that will track their ability to manage system security “dwell time”… read more...

Private equity firm takes stake in StorageCraft
TA Associates to invest U$187 million in backup and recovery software provider… read more...

SAP and Accenture tighten links
Accenture, which already has 42,000 staff dedicated to providing SAP services (46 percent of them in the Asia/Pacific/Japan region), has further tightened its links with the German software giant … read more...

Consumer tech faces rocky start in 2016
While the New Year kicked off with the annual circus that is the Consumer Electronics Show, revealing gizmos galore, the portents for 2016 in this segment of the tech sector seem more dour… read more...